GMCR is abbreviation Gonnux's simple MaCRo
It has similar syntax to mustache, yet it is more flexible because you can use lua code inside tags!
You can use GMCR to generate configuration files based on a template
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd gmcr
apt install liblua5.3-dev
apt install libboost-dev
apt install libboost-program-options-dev
apt install nlohmann-json-dev
apt install flex
apt install libfl-dev
apt install g++
apt install make
apt install cmake
cd build
cmake ..
make install
- a gmcr tag must begin with '#{{' followed by mode modifier string
- a gmcr tag must end with single white space or newline followed by '}}#'
#{{i FILEPATH }}#
Your args.json input is saved to the global variable 'args'
#{{c print('any lua5.3 code here') }}#
gmcr -a args.json < template.gmcr > output
{"branch": "master"}
FROM alpine:latest
#{{c branch = args.branch }}#
RUN apk update && apk add tmux
#{{c if branch == 'dev' then print('apk add git') end }}#
#{{i partial.gmcr }}#
Mozilla Public License 2.0