This is a collection of utilities for the Go Next Games Landing Page.
In your package.json, add the following:
"@gonextgames/utils-client": "file:/Users/oliverbarnum/Documents/git/utils/client",
"@gonextgames/utils-server": "file:/Users/oliverbarnum/Documents/git/utils/server",
Then run npm install
Create an .env file:
cd ./client
npm run dev
New Terminal:
cd ./server
npm run dev
- Wrap the layout in
- In components that need to know whether you are auth'd:
import { useAuth, trackEvent } from '@gonextgames/utils-client'
const { isAuthenticated, logout, user } = useAuth()
- To change auth
import { useAuth } from '@gonextgames/utils/client'
// Call these functions to call the backend
const { login/register/logout } = useAuth()
When implementing auth, you can use the redirect
function with the from
parameter to redirect after logging in. After registering, you can redirect to the getting started page or whatever is appropriate for your application.
- Implement /api/auth/verify for tokens
import { getUserFromToken } from '@gonextgames/utils/server/auth'
export async function GET(req) {
try {
const user = await getUserFromToken("NAME_OF_USERS_TABLE", "TOKEN_NAME")
if (user === null) {
return Response.json({authenticated: false}, { status: 200 })
return Response.json({authenticated: true, user: user})
} catch (error) {
console.error('Verify token error:', error)
return Response.json({ authenticated: false, error: 'Token verification failed' }, { status: 401 })
- Consume it with
import { getUserFromToken } from '@gonextgames/utils/server/auth'
const user = await getUserFromToken("NAME_OF_USERS_TABLE", "TOKEN_NAME")
if (!user) {
- Create /api/auth/login /logout and /register
// Register
const user = await registerUser(,, userData.password, { link: }, 'bgp_users')
// Login
const user = await loginWithEmailAndPasswordAndSetToken(email, password, 'bgp_users', "token")
const cookieStore = await cookies()
cookieStore.set('token', '', {
httpOnly: true,
secure: process.env.ENVIRONMENT === 'production',
sameSite: 'lax',
path: '/',
expires: new Date(0)
The user table is standardized. Calling CRUD for users is handled by the package, where you pass the TABLE_NAME
to the function every time you want to call it.
await updateUser(user.user_id, {
contact_email: email,
}, 'bgp_users')
Nothing is stopping you from creating new ways to get the information, such as by the users /link, like in Board Game Prototypes.
The users table must have:
- user_id
- name
- password
And a email-user_id-index
secondary index.