Open deep learning compiler stack for cpu, gpu and specialized accelerators
A modern framework for backend development based on io_uring Linux interface
The fastest ⚡️ way to build data pipelines. Develop iteratively, deploy anywhere. ☁️
Jupyter extensions that help you write code faster: Context aware AI Chat, Autocomplete, and Spreadsheet
Composable transformations of Python+NumPy programs: differentiate, vectorize, JIT to GPU/TPU, and more
A lightweight, multi-tenant, scalable and secure gateway that enables Jupyter Notebooks to share resources across distributed clusters such as Apache Spark, Kubernetes and others.
Scalable and flexible workflow orchestration platform that seamlessly unifies data, ML and analytics stacks.
The TensorFlow Cloud repository provides APIs that will allow to easily go from debugging and training your Keras and TensorFlow code in a local environment to distributed training in the cloud.
Books, Presentations, Workshops, Notebook Labs, and Model Zoo for Software Engineers and Data Scientists wanting to learn the TF.Keras Machine Learning framework
Splits single Nvidia GPU into multiple partitions with complete compute and memory isolation (wrt to performace) between the partitions
Training and deploying a TensorFlow tf.keras model using Google Cloud ML
Official Repo for Google Cloud AI Platform. Find samples for Vertex AI, Google Cloud's new unified ML platform at:
Hopsworks - Data-Intensive AI platform with a Feature Store
Low-code framework for building custom LLMs, neural networks, and other AI models
Common solutions and tools developed by Google Cloud's Professional Services team. This repository and its contents are not an officially supported Google product.
📚 Parameterize, execute, and analyze notebooks
Notebooks for my "Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2 and Keras" course
Run in all nodes of your cluster before the cluster starts - lets you customize your cluster
tf.keras + with Eager Execution
API service to collect News information via News API
TonY is a framework to natively run deep learning frameworks on Apache Hadoop.