Translation Application- Graciella Monetti This application enables users to translate English text to Spanish either by typing the text or using speech recognition. Built using Python, this prototype leverages the mtranslate library for translation and the speech_recognition library for converting spoken words into text. This prototype served as the base for implementing a chatbot used for language learning.
Text Translation: Convert text from English to Spanish. Speech Recognition: Users can speak into their microphone to input text for translation. Flexible Input Methods: Supports both typed and spoken inputs.
Technologies Used
Python 3 mtranslate - For text translation. speech_recognition - For converting spoken language into text. ssl - For handling SSL/TLS certificates.
Prerequisites Python 3.6 or higher. Pip - Python package installer.
pip install mtranslate speech_recognition
Speech Recognition: The application uses the speech_recognition library's integration with Google's speech recognition service. Ensure you have an active internet connection for this feature to work properly.
Contact- Graciella Monetti [email protected]