This library provides a way for Gleam programmers to create stateful and OTP
compatible server process that can respond to both synchronous and
asynchronous messages. It intends to be a common building block for Gleam OTP
applications, similar to gen_server
for Erlang and GenServer
for Elixir.
Being OTP compatible agent processes support OTP tracing, error reporting, and will fit into a supervision tree.
Imagine we wanted to implement an agent that works like a stack, allowing us to push and pop elements.
import gleam/otp/agent.{Continue, Reply}
pub fn start_link(initial stack) {
agent.start_link(fn() { agent.Ready(stack) })
pub fn push(onto pid, push item) {
let push_fn = fn(stack) {
Continue([item | stack])
agent.async(pid, push_fn)
pub fn pop(from pid) {
let pop_fn = fn(stack) {
case stack {
[] ->
Reply(with: Error(Nil), then: Continue([]))
[elem | rest] ->
Reply(with: Ok(elem), then: Continue(rest))
agent.sync(pid, pop_fn)
It can then be used like so:
import gleam/expect
pub fn stack_agent_test() {
let Ok(agent) = start_link(initial: ["Hello"])
// Popping returns the first element
pop(from: agent),
// Popping a second time returns nothing as the stack is empty
pop(from: agent),
push(onto: agent, item: "World!")
pop(from: agent),