To Check if Virtualization is enabled on your linux environment:
egrep -c '(svm|vmx)' /proc/cpuinfo should return the number of processors, greater than 0.
lscpu Should grep for 'Virtualization'. VT is turned on if you see VT-x and full in the output.
Intall libvirt: (fedora...) sudo dnf install virt-top libguestfs-tools virt-manager
Start libvirtd sudo systemctl enable --now libvirtd Additional tools yum module install virt yum install virt-install virt-viewer
Verify virt-host-validate
Download terraform wget Unzip and copy terraform executable in /usr/local/sbin (in Path)
Check terraform version terraform version
Download terraform libvirt provider mkdir -p ~/.local/share/terraform/plugins Go to above directory mkdir Go to above directory mkdir dmacvicar Go to above directory mkdir libvirt Go to above directory mkdir 0.6.2 Go to above directory mkdir linux_amd64 Go to above directory
Download libvirt terraform plugin Go to and get the latest version (.tar.gz). Unzip it. (tar -xvzf file)
Mkdir ~/examples and proceed to write the files.
Go to ~/examples
terraform init
Write, cloud_init.cfg, network_config.cfg. Ensure you update ssh public key in cloud_init.cfg.
Do terraform init again and followed by terraform apply
Verify vm creation with 'virsh list' and dhcp with 'virsh net-dhcp-leases vm_network'.Get ip address and do 'ssh developer@' to login to the vm.
Finally do 'terraform destroy' to cleanup.