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GitOpsCon NA 2024 Demo Pulumi ArgoCD GitOps Bridge Hub-Spoke Multicluster

Architecture Diagram of GitOps Flow with Gitops Bridge and Pulumi



Setup Fork

Fork this repository and update the stacks/Pulumi..yaml files with your own values for the following fields

  • githubOrg This is your github org or user for your fork
  • githubRepo This is the name of the git repo if you change the default name for the fork
  • veleroBucketPrefix This is the unique S3 bucket name
  • hubStackName This is the combination of pulumi account and project pulumiaccount/projectname

Working Directory

cd pulumi/

Install Pulumi SDK

npm install

Setup Credentials

  • Add an Environment Variable for PULUMI_ACCESS_TOKEN or use pulumi login
  • Add an Environment Variable for GITHUB_TOKEN in your deployment env (local, Github Actions, AWS Code Pipeline, etc;)

How to Start Your Hub Cluster:

  1. Review Pulumi.hub.yaml and update configuration values as you need - You will want to update Stack Files with configuration for Github Repo/Org, as well as AWS Account ID, CIDRs, etc;
  2. Add any extra resources you may need in your given environment
  3. Run Pulumi Up for the Hub Cluster's Stack pulumi up --stack hub
  4. Wait for the Resources to create like VPC, EKS Cluster, and IAM permissions
  5. Set environment variable ARGO_IAM_ROLE_ARN before running next step export ARGO_IAM_ROLE_ARN=$(pulumi stack output -s hub -j | jq .outputs.argoRoleArn -r)
  6. Run ./ to install ArgoCD on Hub cluster
  7. Run git pull to fetch the file gitops/clusters/hub-cluster.yaml
  8. Setup kubectl cli aws eks --region us-east-1 update-kubeconfig --name hub-cluster --alias hub-cluster
  9. Run kubectl create -f ../gitops/clusters/hub-cluster.yaml
  10. Access ArgoCD UI:
    echo "Username: admin"
    echo "Password: $(kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" --context hub-cluster | base64 -d)"
    echo "Access https://localhost:8080"
    kubectl -n argocd port-forward svc/argocd-server 8080:443 --context hub-cluster

How to Add Spoke Clusters:

  1. Review and add any extra resources you may need in your given environment
  2. Run Pulumi Up for the Spoke Cluster's Stack pulumi up --stack dev
  3. Wait for the Resources to create like VPC, EKS Cluster, and IAM permissions
  4. Apply the Secret resource that was added to the GitOps Repository
  5. Setup kubectl cli aws eks --region us-east-1 update-kubeconfig --name dev-cluster --alias dev-cluster
  6. Repeat same steps for the next cluster like prod pulumi up --stack prod

Destory Clusters

pulumi destroy --stack dev
pulumi destroy --stack prod
pulumi destroy --stack hub

Productionizing your Implementation

  • Add Authentication for ArgoCD to be able to grab from your Organization's private repository
  • Add ApplicationSets to your configuration by looking at the GitOps Bridge Control Plane Template for resources you need
  • Create an ArgoCD Application that manages deployment of your Cluster Secret
  • Move your EKS Cluster to be a private access endpoint

File Structure

  .github/ # Contains Github Actions to deploy and preview Pulumi IaC
  gitops/ # Contains Gitops Configuration
    addons/ # Contains the Application Set Files and Addons we want
      platform/ # Contains the platform level addons we want
      team/ # Contains the Application Team addons we want
    bootstrap/ # Contains the bootstrap application to deploy cluster secrets and applicationsets
    charts/ # Contains Helm Charts and default values for configuration
      platform/ # Contains Platform Helm Charts and default values
      team/ # Contains Application Team Helm Charts and default values
    clusters/ # Contains the cluster secret files
    overrides/ # Contains Values file overrides
      clusters/ # Contains Values file overrides for specific cluster
      environments/ # Contains Values file overrides for specific cluster environments
  pulumi/ # Contains the Pulumi code for the repository # The bootstrap command to run to setup the hub cluster
    Pulumi.hub.yaml # Contains configuration for the Pulumi Stack "hub" # Contains configuration for the Pulumi Stack "dev"