1.11.0-alpha.1 (2025-03-05)
Bug Fixes
- add new initialSortState prop to resume sorted columns (23fd3a3)
- adjust block sizes for performance (a5ae697)
- adjust few things in infinite table (d68015c)
- adjust for cell rendering loading state (b21f1e3)
- adjust options reset table behaviour (3f1ecc3)
- adjustments (0ca3d83)
- adjustments in showPointerCursorInRows (2eae6e8)
- adjustments in showPointerCursorInRows (3c03ca2)
- change onRequestData signature to pass state instead of sortfields (c361613)
- change rc-dropdown version (7bbb839)
- clear selected rows when a refresh is done (b0fde61)
- debug ag grid bug (ebc01a5)
- debug weird ag grid issue (5c8057d)
- debug weird bug (cf15324)
- ditch unused hook (ccdb564)
- do not notify when sort has changed in order to persist it (622f6cc)
- do not show pointer cursor if we don't have callback (07b3fa7)
- export checkboxstate (7d3b8ce)
- getRows out of sync (7743162)
- import doubletriggering sortchange (bd10fb7)
- improvements in sort columns feature (0965d90)
- infinite table cell renderer callback (1941ce7)
- more adjustments (4561cb3)
- more adjustments (4c140d4)
- more tweaks and adjustments in infinite table (fe2ed62)
- remove console.log (9933246)
- remove status column from ignore (1f5320d)
- rendering glitch solved (23b0c2a)
- respect sort index in sort fields in infinite table (0f2ef84)
- revert changes of custom_searches adjustments (d1444db)
- safe improvements (4705d92)
- selection row count bug for infinite table (9d42180)
- skip calling onColumnChanged the first time the table renders (1aafd2e)
- suppressDragLeaveHidesColumns adjustment (440e6dc)
- sync changes from v2 to alpha (#37) [skip ci] (a721966)
- try to debug weird bug (cd51e63)
- try to debug weird production only glitch (2da6076)
- try to fix weird order bug (fa0ac55)
- undefined array (dda47a6)
- use rc-dropdown and svg icons instead of antd (f830551)
- weird bug (1ff86fd)
- weird bug debugging (d4c9c36)
- add enable row selection prop (ed2bed8)
- add hook useWhyDidYouRender (539b4dd)
- add new redraw rows method to update styles (82db027)
- add options button menu in infinite table (44660ce)
- add sort feature to columns (c2c2407)
- adjust checkbox sysntehtic event (4fb3de5)
- adjust status (226e7dc)
- adjustments for restoring column state (ecbf711)
- allow cache block size prop (cf59419)
- basic implementation for paginated table (e1ee0dc)
- changes in selection (5fae7ff)
- expose update row methods and get visible rows (9a696c6)
- improve change sort issues (414705f)
- improve loading (9216b9b)
- improve rerenders (eff90b3)
- improve restoring scroll position in infinite tables (89e483d)
- infinite trees (1f4c400)
- more adjustmetns (d69e0a5)
- more improvements (62e199d)
- performance issues (cf9386e)
- remove unused lines (ae2a734)
- restore body sscroll (29fd503)
- restore things (47a0b82)
- sort improvements (b273ac6)
- sync changes from v2 to alpha (#34) [skip ci] (f155d5e)
- wip (d51303b)
- wip (9b0c628)
- wip (2179d39)
- wip (85c1463)
- wip (79a98e4)
- wip (1eecc51)
- wip (bff4e9e)
- wip (c7f4c1e)
- wip (45b741a)
- wip (0380eb7)
- wip in paginated table (383399f)
- work in selecting all rows (7647bfb)