Releases: gisce/poweremail-modules
Releases · gisce/poweremail-modules
What's Changed
- Integrate oorq by @ecarreras in #2
- NEW_poweremail-modules by @a-orellana in #1
- Petites correccions funcionals by @lcbautista in #3
- Send mails by batch by @lcbautista in #4
- Integrate erp modules by @ecarreras in #7
- Button to generate the email from the campaign line by @lcbautista in #6
- Some improvements and minor fixes by @lcbautista in #10
- Nuevo campo para evitar enviar el mismo correo varias veces a un cliente con varios contratos by @GuillemLloveras in #11
- Diversas correcciones by @lcbautista in #12
- Refactor generate_mail() en test by @a-orellana in #14
- Update email poweremail_campaign_demo.xml by @oriolpiera in #15
- fix vista poweremail campaign by @MarcCalvoC in #19
- Efficiency Improvement by @EricGalan in #20
- Fix divison by 0 campanyes by @guilleJB in #21
- Mejorar rendimiento en el acceso y creación de las lineas de la campaña by @lcbautista in #22
- new module poweremail_auth by @nvillarroya in #23
- Al enviar email signaturit poder asignar por variable de configuración el tipo de request by @aivan2022 in #24
- Añadir nuevo modulo para cargar las plantillas de poweremail usando un asistente by @joanperez1 in #26
- La funció d'enviar el mail certificat no retornava el valor correcte quan hi ha un error by @lcbautista in #29
New Contributors
- @ecarreras made their first contribution in #2
- @a-orellana made their first contribution in #1
- @lcbautista made their first contribution in #3
- @GuillemLloveras made their first contribution in #11
- @oriolpiera made their first contribution in #15
- @MarcCalvoC made their first contribution in #19
- @EricGalan made their first contribution in #20
- @guilleJB made their first contribution in #21
- @nvillarroya made their first contribution in #23
- @aivan2022 made their first contribution in #24
- @joanperez1 made their first contribution in #26
Full Changelog: