Forked from ssh2, ec2-ninja is an interactive command line tool which allows you to control your EC2 instances.
in additional to ssh capabilities, ec2-ninja allows you to:
- run ssh commands
- copy file to ec2 instances
- copy files from ec2 instances and compare (md5 check)
- open ssh-tunnel
- Python
- Python pip
- pip packages (prettytable, PyYAML, boto3) - install with pip install -r requirements.txt
ec2-ninja has the following flags -
-h, --help: show this help message and exit
-x, --bust-cache: re-fetch servers list from AWS
-d, --use-cache: force load from disk - override conf file ignore cache option
-u USER, --user=USER: provide user
-i IDENTITY, --identity=IDENTITY: provide identity file
--passwd: don't use ssh keys, prompt for password
-p PROFILE, --profile=PROFILE: provide AWS profile
-r REGION, --region=REGION: provide AWS region
-g GREP, --grep=GREP: filter the server list
--ungrep=UNGREP: ungrep - exclude from servers list
--split: open shell panes for each node found - up to 15
--limit=LIMIT: limit the number of panes to open
-e COMMAND, --exec=COMMAND: run a single command
-s SLEEP, --sleep=SLEEP: sleep between ssh runs, cancel parallel run
--exit-status=EXIT_CODE: filter exec exit code outcome - supply 'passed' or 'failed'
--batch-size=BATCH: batch size to run - this is relevant when a sleep is supplied
--copy=COPY: copy a file to remote host, must be supplied with --dest option
--dest=DEST: destination for file copy, must be supplied with the --copy option
--owner=OWNER: change the owner of the file after copying, must be supplied with --copy/--dest option
--copy-remote=REMOTE: copy a file from the remote server to local folder
--dest-remote=REMOTE_DEST: path to save files from remote-copy (optional, default copy path is ~/.cache)
--tunnel=TUNNEL: ssh tunnel to the instance - provide as <local-port>:<remote-port> or <local-port> only for the same port
--ip-type=IPTYPE: choose between lan and wan address (wan is the default)
-l, --list: show only list (without ssh to instance)
ec2-ninja also suport a config file, which can hold default values.
the file must be saved as ~/.ec2-ninja.yaml.
the following options are valid -
# ec2-ninja conf file
# This file must be saved as: ~/.ec2-ninja.yaml
default_user: ubuntu # use as default user
default_ip_type: lan # use as default ip type
ignore_cache: yes # always refresh from AWS, don't use local cache file (unless -d option is used)
batch_size: 20 # change default ssh batch size (depending on your intermet connection, cpu, etc)
#### multiple regions per profile ####
# when defined, ec2-ninja will automatically fetch servers from all regions
# you can override this default value with the --region option
- us-east-1
- us-west-2
- us-east-1
- eu-central-1
- us-east-1
- eu-central-1
#### bastion hosts ####
# for each bastion host, you must define an IP address and user.
# you can also define an additional ssh key (full path), if it's not your in ssh-agent's keychain.
# if a host is found for the current profile and region, it will be automatically used
ip: <ip-address>
user: <user>
ip: <ip-address>
user: <user>
git clone
cd ec2-ninja
ln -sf $(pwd)/ec2-ninja /usr/local/bin/
Gilad Sharaby, [email protected]