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Devflow is a powerful headless content management framework and CMS built for PHP programmers, designed to streamline web development using CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) and domain-driven development principles. Offering an advanced architecture, Devflow supports event sourcing and domain events, allowing developers to easily manage complex workflows and data changes.
Its rich set of features includes action and filter hooks, enabling customization and extension. Devflow ensures that content management is intuitive and tailored to your specific needs, providing flexibility and control for building scalable and maintainable applications. Perfect for developers seeking a robust, modern solution for headless content management.
- PHP >= 8.3+
- BCMath PHP Extension
- Gettext PHP Extension
- Fileinfo PHP extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- Fileinfo PHP Extension
- GD Library
- Imagick PHP Extension
- XMLWriter PHP Extension
- Domain-Driven Development
- Event Store for saving domain events
- Read Models for content, products, and users
- Serializer - supports serializing and deserialization of data
- CQRS & Event Sourcing
- Custom Content Types
- Provides a simple hook and event system without affecting core code
- Ability to customize admin dashboard using hooks
- Scheduler for scheduling tasks/jobs
- Security and sanitizing helpers
- NIST Level 2 Standard Role-Based Access Control
Login Screen | Dashboard |
Content Types | Create Product |
Custom Fields | Composer Plugins |
To create a new project, run the following command:
composer create-project getdevflow/cmf:1.3.0 my-app-name
Version | Minimum PHP Version | Release Date | Bug Fixes Until | Security Fixes Until |
1 - LTS | 8.3 | December 2024 | June 2027 | December 2028 |
2 | 8.4 | December 2025 | September 2027 | March 2028 |
3 - LTS | 8.4 | December 2026 | June 2029 | December 2030 |
Documentation is still a work in progress. Between the Devflow Docs, Qubus Components documentation, and CodefyPHP's documentation, that should help you get started.
If you use and love Devflow and are interested in supporting its continued development, please consider sponsoring me via Github.
Devflow could always be better! If you are interested in contributing enhancements or bug fixes, here are a few rules to follow in order to ease code reviews, and discussions before I accept and merge your work.
- You MUST follow the QubusPHP Coding Standards and PSR-12.
- You MUST write (or update) unit tests.
- You SHOULD write documentation.
- Please, write commit messages that make sense, and rebase your branch before submitting your Pull Request.
- Please squash your commits too.
This is used to "clean" your Pull Request before merging it (I don't want commits such as
fix tests
,fix 2
,fix 3
, etc.).
If you discover a vulnerability in the code, please email [email protected].
Devflow is opensource software licensed under the GPLv2.