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Talks, talks, talks

sources in text w/ formatting in markdown conventions



Wed April 26th, 2023 - Query the (Open) Ethereum Blockchain (Database) with Contract Services - Using Strongly-Typed Application Binary Interfaces (ABIs) With ethers.js (v6) Via JSON-RPC @ Vienna.js

Tue March 28th, 2023 - Inside Ordinal Inscriptions - Turn the Blockchain Into A Database For Digital Artefacts @ Technologieplauscherl LXXX (Linz, Austria)

Wed March 8th, 2023 - GoReleaser In Action - Deliver Go Binaries As Fast and Easily As Possible (For Windows, Mac, Linux & Co.) Via GitHub Actions (Workflow) @ Vienna.go


Tue November 29th, 2022 - Inside Punkbase - SQLite (SQL.js) In Action @ Vienna.js

Wed October 19th, 2022 - Programming Pixel Punk Profile Pictures & (Generative) Art with Go @ Vienna.go

Wed October 5th, 2022 - Inside the Billion Dollar $$$ (Crypto) Punk Pixel Heads @ Technologieplauscherl LXXVII (Linz, Austria)

Wed September 21st, 2022 - Inside Punkbase - SQLite (SQL.js) In Action @ Stahlstadt.js (Linz, Austria)


Wed May 15th, 2019 - JavaScript in 2019 - Teach Yourself Web Programming in 24 Hours 10 Minutes @ Inhouse (Private)

Tue April 30th, 2019 - Contract Scripting for Everyone: (Hyperledger) Car Registration Sample - From Go Chaincode to (Secure) Ruby Contract Script @ Vienna Hyperledger Meetup

Thu April 4th, 2019 - The State of Bool - Everything You Never Wanted to Know @ Vienna Ruby Meetup

Tue March 12th, 2019 - Contracts, Contracts, Contracts - Code Your Own (Crypto Blockchain) Contracts w/ Ruby (sruby), Universum & Co @ Vienna Crypto Programming Meetup


Thu October 18th, 2018 - Mining for Gold Using the World's #1 and Most Popular Data Format @ Vienna Ruby Meetup

Wed June 20th, 2018 - Stay Static - Build Static Websites w/ VuePress (and Text with Formatting Conventions in Markdown) @ Vienna Vue.js Meetup

Wed April 11th, 2018 - Blockchain! Blockchain! Blockchain! - Build Your Own Blockchains in Go from Zero (Scratch) @ Vienna Go Meetup

Tue March 13th, 2018 - Blockchain vs (Hyper) Ledger -- Inside (Hyper) Ledger Lite - Add Transactions One Block at a Time and Balance the Accounts (Books) @ Hyperledger Vienna

Mon March 12th, 2018 - Build (Online) Presentations / Talks (and Handout Notes) with (Structured) Text with Formatting in Markdown Markup Conventions and (Off-the-Shelf Open Free) Slide Design Themes (Reveal.js, Bespoke.js, Impress.js, Shower.js, S6, ...) and the Jekyll (Static) Website Compiler @ Austria.TXT Meetup

Thu March 8th, 2018 - Build (Online) Books and Documentation with Markdown and Octobook Themes and the Jekyll (Static) Website Compiler - Incl. Yuki & Moto Press Bookshelf Case Study @ Vienna Ruby Meetup


Thu December 7th, 2017 - Blockchain! Blockchain! Blockchain! - Build Your Own Blockchains in Ruby from Zero (Scratch)(Slides), (Print) @ Vienna Ruby Meetup

Mon November 13rd, 2017 - Build Blazing Fast (Static) Websites with GraphQL (and Gatsby)(Slides), (Print) @ GraphQL Vienna Meetup

Wed September 27th, 2017 - Blockchain! Blockchain! Blockchain! - Build Your Own Blockchains in JavaScript from Zero (Scratch)(Slides), (Print) @ Vienna JavaScript Meetup

Wed September 20th, 2017 - Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and Lighthouse - From Responsive to Mobile to Offline First Design @ Inhouse (Private)

Thu September 14th, 2017 - JSON - What's Next for the No 1. Universal (Non-Binary/Human) Data Exchange Format @ Microservices Vienna Meetup

Tue September 5th, 2017 - Gastsby 1.0 - Build Single-Page Static Websites in React w/ Gatsby and GraphQL @ React (JavaScript) Vienna Meetup

Tue July 4th, 2017 - Quik - The Missing Project Scaffolder for Ruby - Quick Start Your Ruby Gems, Your Sinatra Apps, Your Jekyll Sites 'n' More @ Ruby Linz Meetup

Thu June 8th, 2017 - Meet Jason Feed - The New Web Feed & Syndication Guy (Ruby Edition) @ Vienna Ruby Meetup

Wed May 31st, 2017 - Meet Jason Feed - The New Web Feed & Syndication Guy (JavaScript Edition) @ Vienna JavaScript Meetup

Wed May 17th, 2017 - Building Static Websites with Jigsaw 'n' Blade (in PHP) @ Laravel (PHP) Vienna Meetup

Fri May 5th, 2017 - The World Factbook - Explore the World with Free Open Public Domain Datasets @ Linuxwochen Wien '17

Free Open Public Domain Data :: 250+ Country Profiles (Incl. Flags 'n' Maps)

Learn about the World Factbook. Shows how to make your own world almanac using the factbook.json datasets in twenty line of scripts. How to query the datasets in SQL using the single-file factbook.db SQLite Database or using big data gold mining with NoSQL queries in document collections with MongoDB (e.g. db.factbook.find( { "Geography.Natural resources.text": /gold/} )) and more. Yes, we will find gold and diamonds. Trivia Question: No. #1 country in the world with the largest proven crude oil reserves?

Wed April 19th, 2017 - Building Web Components with React.js - Past, Present, Future @ Inhouse (Private)

Thu April 6th, 2017 - New Horizons - Build Your Own (Static) Planet News Site with Pluto (and Ruby) @ Vienna Ruby Meetup

The talk covers how to read web feeds in ruby w/ the standard rss module and 3rd party libraries such as the universal feedparser gem and than builds a feed reader in 20 lines of ruby before diving in the pluto feed reader gem familiy. Did you know? OpenStreetMap Blogs ( runs on ruby w/ planet pluto. Learn how to get started with your own planet and how to design your own templates using embedded ruby (ERB). Along the way we cover planet pluto trivia facts and wrap up discussing the future of planet ruby.

Wed March 29th, 2017 - factbook.json - How to model the world with JavaScript @ Vienna JavaScript Meetup

Wed March 15th, 2017 - Jekyll vs Middleman - Build static websites with Ruby @ Ruby Linz Meetup


Thu November 17th, 2016 - Part I) factbook.json - Turn the World Factbook into Open (Structured) Data
Part II) factbook.json - Using Git (and GitHub) for (Publishing) Data @ Vienna Open Data Meetup

Thu September 22nd, 2016 - Building Static Websites with Jigsaw 'n' Blade (in PHP) @ Vienna PHP Meetup

Wed August 31rd, 2016 - Building static websites with the Great Gatsby and React.js web components @ Vienna JavaScript Meetup

Thu August 11th, 2016 - Part I) Building static websites with Metalsmith Part II) Building static websites with Gatsby @ Stahlstadt JavaScript Linz Meetup

Wed July 20th, 2016 - The New New JavaScript / ECMAScript (ES6, ES7, ES8) @ Inhouse (Private)

Wed July 13rd, 2016 - Stay Static - Build Single-Page Websites with the Great Gatsby @ React (JavaScript) Vienna Meetup

Thu June 9th, 2016 - Stay Static - Build Static Websites with Hugo and the Go Template Language @ Vienna Go Meetup

Sat April 30th, 2016 @ Linuxwochen Wien '16

I) The New HTML - Markdown - Use Plain Text for Websites, Presentations and Books

A free plain text alternative to Word, Pages, LibreOffice, KeyNote, Powerpoint, LaTeX, etc.

Use the free plain text markup formatting conventions united under the markdown umbrella - offering an easy-to-write and easy-to-read format - to author and build web site, presentations, books and more. Markdown is the "new HTML" and offers a free alternative to Word, Pages, LibreOffice, KeyNote, Powerpoint, and more.

II) Building Websites, Single-Page Apps or Online Books w/ Static Site Builders / Generators

Metalsmith - Jekyll - Middleman - Hugo

In 2016 you can get pretty far with just HTML, JS and CSS. The talk shows how to use (free, open source) static site builders / generators (such as Metalmsith (JavaScript/Node.js), Jekyll, Middleman (Ruby) or Hugo (Go) to build static (web) sites or (single-page web) apps or books.

Tue March 8th, 2016 - Building Static Websites with Metalsmith (+Handelbars/Nunjucks) @ Node (JavaScript) Vienna Meetup

Thu March 3rd, 2016 - Stay Static - Jekyll vs. Middleman - Build Static Websites with Ruby @ Vienna Ruby Meetup

Wed March 2nd, 2016 - Docker for Java Enterprise Architects, Designerns 'n' Coders @ Inhouse (Private)


Thu October 15, 2015 - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: The Missing Theme Package Manager & Quick Start Script Wizard @ Vienna Ruby Meetup

Wed September 30, 2015 - Add (Deep) Anchor Links to Your Website @ Vienna JavaScript Meetup

Fri May 8th, 2015 @ Linuxwochen Wien '15

I) Building Websites, Blogs, Books w/ Static Site Generators

Static is the New Dynamic

Use static site generators (such as Github Pages w/ Jekyll, Middleman, etc.) and a wiki-style markup language that’s easy-to-write and easy-to-read - to author and build web sites, blogs, books and more. Learn about Markdown syntax and formatting and tools for websites (incl. blogs), and books. Examples will include websites such as the Open Football Project and others and books such as the The Free World Beer Books and others.

II) Open Austria, Open Beer, Open Football - The State of Open Data - Tools & Projects

The talk will cover the state of open football and beer data for Austria and beyond.

Join to learn more and discuss the state of open data with a focus on practical tools and open data projects you can use today.

The talk will cover the state of open data for Austrian localities? Where to get a list of all counties (Bezirke), municipalities (Gemeinden), cities (Orte), zipcodes, etc. for example? What about all Austrian breweries and beers? What open data about football? What open data offers the FIFA? Or the UEFA? Or the ÖFB?

What alternative sources if any are available? What about Wikipedia? Wikidata? DBPedia and friends?

Join to learn more and discuss the state of open data with a focus on practical tools and open data projects you can use today.


Wed August 27th, 2014 - Building Your Own Web Components (Tags / Elements) @ Vienna JavaScript Meetup

Sat May 10th, 2014 @ Linuxwochen Wien '14

I) Use Markdown for Websites, Presentations and Books

Markdown is a wiki-style markup language that’s easy-to-write and easy-to-read

Use Markdown - a wiki-style markup language that’s easy-to-write and easy-to-read - to author and build web site, presentations (slide shows) and books. Learn about Markdown syntax and formatting and tools for websites (incl. blogs), presentations and books. Examples will include websites such as the Open Beer Project and others and the books such as the The Free World Beer Books and others.

II) Open Football - The State of Open Data for the World Cup in Brazil

The world's biggest (sport) event happens in a couple of weeks in Brazil. What's the state of open data for the World Cup? And football in general? What open data offers the FIFA? What other sources are available? What about Wikipedia? Wikidata? DBPedia, etc. Join to learn more and discuss the state of open data.

Wed April 30th, 2014 - Using Open Football Data - Get Ready for the World Cup in Brazil w/ JavaScript @ Vienna JavaScript Meetup


Mon Oct 7th, 2013 - (J)Ruby in Action - Web Apps w/ Rails 'n' Jetty" @ Java Austria

Fri May 3rd, 2013 @ Linuxwochen Wien '13

football.db - Using Open Football Data

Bundesliga, Champions League, World Cup

Introduction to football.db - a free open public domain football database & schema for use in any (programming) language. Tournaments include: World Cup, Confederations Cup, Champions League, Europa League, Bundesliga and many more.

Learn how to add more teams, tournaments, games, players and more or how to use football.db data in JavaScript or Ruby, for web apps or mobile apps for fun and profit, for example. All data, code and sample is public domain (free & open source).


Almost Sinatra in Six Lines of Ruby - A Breakdown

beer.db - Using Open Beer & Brewery Data in Ruby

CSS Next - CSS Preprocessors

Why Facebook Matters - Stats, Numbers, Web OS vs. Desktop OS, News

Facebook App Development with Ruby on Rails

football.db - Using Open Football Data in JavaScript

Adding Semantics to Your Web Site - RDF, RDFa, Microformats - Web 3.0 in Action

Building Web Services (HTTP APIs) with Go

Groovy - Java for the 21st Century - Do More With Less (Code)

Haskell, Haskell, Haskell

Java and the End of History - Learn Some New Languages and Concepts

(J)Ruby in Action: Generating PDF Documents from HTML Templates

Microformats - Adding Semantics to Your Web Site - Web 3.0 in Action

Create Mobile Web Apps with the iUI JavaScript Library

Using Open Football Data - Get Ready for the World Cup in Brazil 2014 with Ruby

Keep it Simple - Embedded Jetty, Embedded SQLite, Embedded Ruby

Building Web Services (HTTP APIs) with Ruby (and Sinatra)

Building Web Services (HTTP APIs) with Ruby (and Sinatra) V2

Static is the New Dynamic - Jekyll, Octopress, GitHub Pages 'n' Friends

The World's Greatest (Free) Static Site Builders / Generators

Tagging & Tag Clouds Made Easy with Ruby

Building Your Own Tags / Elements / Web Components V1

Using Web Feeds to Build Planet Sites in Ruby


talks, talks, talks (sources in Markdown)




