Migration guide
The changes introduced by v0.6.0 are huge and we attempt our best to describe a migration guide in this section, which should also introduce some of the new features that have been added.
General changes
- Atlas'
has been revamped, with details in this PR (please visit the linked PR as it describes the design of new monads! Same is also provided in the appendix of this release document). In particular, to handle these changes, you might need to do following changes in your codebase:-
in place ofrunGYTxQueryMonadNode
. I'll userunGYTxQueryMonadNode
to denote such a change. -
. -
. -
GYTxBuildResult Identity
. -
can likely be replaced withGYTxUserQueryMonad
in your code. -
Some of the old functions such as
are removed but these can be defined like so:runGYTxMonadNode :: GYNetworkId -> GYProviders -> [GYAddress] -> GYAddress -> Maybe (GYTxOutRef, Bool) -> GYTxBuilderMonadIO (GYTxSkeleton v) -> IO GYTxBody runGYTxMonadNode nid providers addrs change collateral act = runGYTxBuilderMonadIO nid providers addrs change collateral $ act >>= buildTxBody runGYTxMonadNodeF :: forall t v. Traversable t => GYCoinSelectionStrategy -> GYNetworkId -> GYProviders -> [GYAddress] -> GYAddress -> Maybe (GYTxOutRef, Bool) -> GYTxBuilderMonadIO (t (GYTxSkeleton v)) -> IO (t GYTxBody) runGYTxMonadNodeF strat nid providers addrs change collateral act = runGYTxBuilderMonadIO nid providers addrs change collateral $ act >>= traverse (buildTxBodyWithStrategy strat) runGYTxMonadNodeParallel :: GYNetworkId -> GYProviders -> [GYAddress] -> GYAddress -> Maybe (GYTxOutRef, Bool) -> GYTxBuilderMonadIO [GYTxSkeleton v] -> IO GYTxBuildResult runGYTxMonadNodeParallel nid providers addrs change collateral act = runGYTxBuilderMonadIO nid providers addrs change collateral $ act >>= buildTxBodyParallel runGYTxMonadNodeParallelWithStrategy :: GYCoinSelectionStrategy -> GYNetworkId -> GYProviders -> [GYAddress] -> GYAddress -> Maybe (GYTxOutRef, Bool) -> GYTxBuilderMonadIO [GYTxSkeleton v] -> IO GYTxBuildResult runGYTxMonadNodeParallelWithStrategy strat nid providers addrs change collateral act = runGYTxBuilderMonadIO nid providers addrs change collateral $ act >>= buildTxBodyParallelWithStrategy strat
do not haveMonadIO
instance, but these can be defined as shown:import GeniusYield.Unsafe (unsafeIOToQueryMonad, unsafeIOToTxBuilderMonad) instance MonadIO GYTxQueryMonadIO where liftIO = unsafeIOToQueryMonad instance MonadIO GYTxBuilderMonadIO where liftIO = unsafeIOToTxBuilderMonad
field insideGYUTxO
is updated toMaybe GYAnyScript
encapsulates both simple (native) scripts and plutus scripts (Atlas now supports simple scripts, yay!).
As an example, you can see how we migrated our dex-contracts-api
codebase here.
How to run?
To run the privnet tests, first one needs to install cardano-node & cardano-cli like so:
cabal install --package-env=$(pwd) --overwrite-policy=always cardano-cli cardano-node
Then the tests can be ran, like for Atlas: cabal run atlas-privnet-tests -- -j1 --hide-successes
How to structure?
- Due to redesign of monads related to transaction building & query, functions such as
are no longer present, but they (and some of the related utilities) can be implemented like so:
ctxRunI :: Ctx -> User -> GYTxBuilderMonadIO (GYTxSkeleton v) -> IO GYTxBody
ctxRunI ctx user act = ctxRunBuilder ctx user $ act >>= buildTxBody
ctxRunC :: Ctx -> User -> GYTxBuilderMonadIO a -> IO a
ctxRunC = ctxRunBuilder
ctxRunF :: Traversable t => Ctx -> User -> GYTxBuilderMonadIO (t (GYTxSkeleton v)) -> IO (t GYTxBody)
ctxRunF ctx user act = ctxRunBuilder ctx user $ act >>= traverse buildTxBody
submitTxCtx :: Ctx -> User -> GYTxBody -> IO GYTxId
submitTxCtx ctx user txBody = ctxRun ctx user $ signAndSubmitConfirmed txBody
submitTxCtx' :: Ctx -> User -> GYTx -> IO GYTxId
submitTxCtx' ctx user tx = ctxRun ctx user $ submitTxConfirmed tx
addRefScriptCtx :: Ctx -> User -> GYScript PlutusV2 -> IO GYTxOutRef
addRefScriptCtx ctx user script = ctxRun ctx user $ addRefScriptToLimbo script
Earlier the tests might expect the argument
IO Setup
but now onlySetup
is required which can be generated with following continuation:withPrivnet cardanoDefaultTestnetOptionsConway $ \setup
. Please see privnet tests structured inside Atlas here for examples. -
Arguments of
are flipped, so instead ofwithSetup setup info
, nowwithSetup info setup
is required but you can usewithSetupOld
instead. -
(or first element ofuserAddresses
) instead ofuserAddr
. Note that there is pattern synonymUser'
defined to access old fields such asuserAddr
. -
is removed, can use abovesubmitTxCtx
function. -
In case you were catching of
(now renamed toGYBuildTxError
and it no longer has instance forException
), since now these are made part ofGYBuildTxException
constructor insideGYTxMonadException
type, catch for those instead. For example:- isTxBodyScriptExecutionError :: BuildTxException -> Bool - isTxBodyScriptExecutionError (BuildTxBodyErrorAutoBalance (Api.TxBodyScriptExecutionError _)) = True - isTxBodyScriptExecutionError _ = False + isTxBodyScriptExecutionError :: GYTxMonadException -> Bool + isTxBodyScriptExecutionError (GYBuildTxException (GYBuildTxBodyErrorAutoBalance (Api.TxBodyScriptExecutionError _))) = True + isTxBodyScriptExecutionError _ = False
now has an additional field to store of the network information used internally, you can largely ignore those. -
Note that these privnet run against Conway era and protocol parameters can be check like so:
pp <- ctxRunQuery ctx protocolParams info $ printf "Protocol parameters: %s" (show pp)
Let us know if you think some of these should be changed!
CLB (cardano-ledger-backend, replacement of plutus-simple-model employed earlier) & new testing mechanism
Note that we now have unified testing in place, i.e., same test file can be ran against multiple backend interpreters, i.e., either utilising CLB, private testnet machinery or any of cardano network (testnet/mainnet).
It is best to see tests-unified
directory to see how to structure these. In particular you don't need to write privnet tests separately!
There is no longer
type, useUser
instead. -
If you earlier had
runWallet w1 $ withWalletBalancesCheckSimple walletDiffList $ do ...
You should instead do
withWalletBalancesCheckSimple walletDiffList $ asUser w1 $ do ...
Note that since the testing mechanism is unified, you should no longer require to import types such as
in your backend code. I.e., if you hadmyTrace :: SomeParameters -> Wallets -> GYTxMonadClb ()
You should instead do
myTrace :: GYTxGameMonad m => SomeParameters -> Wallets -> m ()
Note that
constraint should be added if you are employingasUser
in your trace, otherwise make use ofGYTxMonad
etc. -
instead ofownAddress
. -
Instead of
fail ...
usethrowAppError $ someBackendError $ ...
. -
can be defined like so:-- | This is simply defined as @buildTxBody skeleton >>= signAndSubmitConfirmed@. sendSkeleton :: GYTxMonad m => GYTxSkeleton v -> m GYTxId sendSkeleton skeleton = snd <$> sendSkeleton' skeleton sendSkeleton' :: GYTxMonad m => GYTxSkeleton v -> m (GYTxBody, GYTxId) sendSkeleton' skeleton = buildTxBody skeleton >>= \tx -> signAndSubmitConfirmed tx >>= \txId -> pure (tx, txId)
Monad redesign summary
This is a long overdue redesign of GYTxMonad
. It adds the ability to submit transactions to the monad and splits it into a more lawful hierarchy. In particular:
- For common utxo and similar queriesInstance:
GYTxQueryMonad => GYTxSpecialQueryMonad
- For uncommon queries such as protocol parameters, era history etc. (this could potentially be removed, see note below)Instance:
GYTxQueryMonad => GYTxUserQueryMonad
- For queries while acting as a user (having access to own wallet for querying purposes not signing purposes)Instance:
- see below. -
(GYTxSpecialQueryMonad, GYTxUserQueryMonad, Default (TxBuilderStrategy)) => GYTxBuilderMonad
- For building transactions while acting as a user. This allows different instances to choose their own transaction building method. IfTxBuilderStrategy
is set toGYCoinSelectionStrategy
(default), the implementation defaults to the pre-existing transaction building methods. Therefore, simplyanyclass
deriving this class will be enough to use the transaction building unchanged.instance:
GYTxBuilderMonad => GYTxMonad
- For interacting with the blockchain in a way that mutates its state. E.g building and submitting transactions etc. Also is able to sign as a user.Instance:
(GYTxMonad (TxMonadOf m), GYTxSpecialQueryMonad m) => GYTxGameMonad m
- This is an entirely new feature. This allows simulating multiple users interacting in an environment, building and submitting transactions etc. This is extremely useful in testing. Where we model an environment with many users interacting, waiting for events etc.Each "game' monad has its own "tx" monad. The tx monad code can be lifted into the "game" monad and assigned a user to perform it as.
Note the distinction between a TxQuery monad and the Tx monad. The query monad classes are meant to be non-mutating. In other words, if you are given a GYTxUserQueryMonad m => m a
for example, and you run it (using a relevant interpreter) - you can be sure that it did not mutate anything on the chain. However, that guarantee does not exist for GYTxMonad
This sort of a lawful type classes helps in "coloring" functions with types to define their expected behavior.
This makes running the monad instances (e.g GYTxMonadIO
, renamed from GYTxMonadNode
) much simpler. There is no traversable hack anymore. It's a simple monad interpreter. As you'd expect from any other proper monad in the ecosystem. As a result, transaction defining, building, signing, and submitting - all under one monad feels much more ergonomic.
Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.6.0