OpenQuake Engine 3.22.1
[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]
- Fixed HDF5 bug when storing the avg_losses, visible on MacOS with a large
number of assets (say over a million). Fixed the same bug for damages too.
[Christopher Brooks (@CB-quakemodel)]
- Added ability to specify period-dependent bias adjustment for USGS
classes of NGAEast GMMs (US 2023 NSHMP). Unit tests also added. - Added ability to specify Chapman and Guo (2021) Coastal Plains site
amplification adjustment for USGS classes of NGAEast GMMs (US 2023
NSHMP). Unit tests also added. - Added sediment depth site param (z_sed) to sites module as required
for Chapman and Guo (2021) Coastal Plains site amp. adjustment. QA
is provided through unit tests and qa_tests_data/classical/case_87.
[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]
- Removed the deprecated function
and changedbuild_dstore_log
; - Extended the ShakeMap parser to read the intensities associated to SA(0.6)
- Fixed a bug while exporting realizations.csv for scenario calculations
- Added
configuration parameter - Reduced
to 8 GB by default - Parallelized
when conditioning the GMFs
[Christopher Brooks (@CB-quakemodel)]
- Added Seattle Basin classes of Kuehn et al. (2020) NGASUB GMM (uses
Cascadia coeffs except for basin term). - Added USGS basin scaling and CyberShake adjustments to the NGAWest2
GMMs + ability to pass base gsim arguments within the NSHMP2014 gsim class.
[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]
- Saving the rupture geometries as 32 bit floats to save memory
- Internal: added a command
oq filter_around lon lat csvfile
- Added a command
oq plot ebruptures?min_mag=XXX
- Added a script
- Removed the ability to read GMFs generated with engine <= 3.11
- Fixed the filtering of the site collection in event_based with --hc
- Internal: writeability check for datadir and scratch_dir (if any)
[Christopher Brooks (@CB-quakemodel)]
- Added instantiation-level arguments for contextually applying
the M9 basin term, the CB14 basin term and the USGS basin scaling
model to the AbrahamsonGulerce2020, KuehnEtAl2020, ParkerEtAl2020,
ZhaoEtAl2006 and AtkinsonMacias2009 GMMs as required for the 2023
US NSHM model's subduction interface GMC. Unit tests are also
provided for these GMM adjustments
[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]
- Internal: forcing the signature (C, ctx, region, ...) for _get_basin_term
in hazardlib - Extended
to multiple .hdf5 files, assuming they correspond to
disjoint sites and events
[Paolo Tormene (@ptormene)]
- Added a
argument toread_df
and changed the
approach used while reading station data, to calculate the average values
of stations having the same coordinates instead of raising an error
[Christopher Brooks (@CB-quakemodel)]
- Added epistemic uncertainty scaling capabilities to
the Parker et al. (2020) NGASUB GMM. - Added M9 basin term and associated tests to ModifiableGMPE
- Added CB14 basin term and associated tests to ModifiableGMPE
[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]
- Added parameter
- Added command
oq info peril
- Extended consequences to perils
- Replaced taxonomy mapping by loss type with taxonomy mapping by peril
- Internal: changed the ordering in the composite risk model from
(loss_type, riskid) -> (riskid, loss_type) - Added an exporter for trt_gsim
- Internal: added utility function readinput.read_source_models
[Manuela Villani (@ManuelaVillani)]
- Improved the "Governing MCE" plot
[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]
- Raised an error in case of non-invertible hazard curves, affecting
disaggregation and site-specific hazard spectrum calculations - Changed the ruptures.csv exporter to also export the source IDs
- Added support for consequence=losses for liquefaction and landslides
- Added a check for missing secondary perils
- Added loss types liquefaction and landslide
- Removed support for XML consequences, after 3 years of deprecation
- Fixed the stored calculation_mode in
oq sensitivity_analysis
- Added command
oq info loss_types
[Paolo Tormene (@ptormene)]
- Added the possibility to export the asset collection via command line,
keeping it private from the webui
[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]
- Fixed median_spectrum with multiple sites
- Extended Aristotle calculation to manage multiple countries at once
- Extended taxonomy_mapping.csv with a loss_type field
- Modernized the regionalization of Chiou Youngs (2014)
- Modernized the regionalization of Campbell Bozorgnia (2014)
- Internal: made it possible to override CoeffsTable
- Added a memory check in disaggregation calculations
- Made
resilient against encoding errors
[Ilaria Oliveti (@IlariaOliveti)]
- Fixed the GMPE Tusa-Langer-Azzaro (2019) table of coefficients, the
IMTs were incorrectly using Hz instead of seconds
[Michele Simionato (@micheles)]
- Fixed the
error in the view delta_loss in the case of few events