A blog app made using MERN stack with authenticates user based on their Google login.
Live here: https://devblogger.herokuapp.com/
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These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Node.JS and npm must be installed. Download and install them from here.
Follow these steps to run this project in your local computer.
$ https://github.com/geekysrm/mern-blog-google-auth.git
$ cd mern-blog-google-auth
$ npm i
$ npm run client-install
Now, to run both the server and client on port 5000
and 3000
respectively, run:
$ npm run dev
To run only the server, run:
$ npm run server
To run only the client, run:
$ npm run client
- Node.JS - Node.JS is used in the backend.
- React.JS -Frontend library used in the project.
- Redux - Used in addition to React.JS
- Passport - Used its Google OAuth Strategy
- Soumya Ranjan Mohanty - geekysrm
This project is licensed under the MIT License.