It is a small footprint PHP API framework that turns your classes into full blown RESTful APIs.
Version : 0.1.1
Author : Om Talsania
Email: [email protected]
Website: geekypedia.net
Blog: blog.geekypedia.net
####DEPENDENCIES This framework loosely depends on the following 3rd party open source framework. The core API framework doesn't really need them, but using them will make a lot of things easier.
- Luracast Database - It is a fork of the database component (Illuminate/Database) of Laravel framework. It is bundled just for the sake of ease of use. If you want to use your own version, you can simple replace the vendor folder.
- node-php-server - This framework is bundled with the node-php-server. The only reason for doing so is that I am a NodeJS developer who wants to run the PHP local server right from IDE of my choice (Visual Studio Code). You can remove it if you don't want it. It's in the node_modules folder.
####DISCLAIMER I really appreciate the hardwork done by Luracast, Laravel and node-php-server team to create DB Connectivity Framework and Local PHP Server component for NodeJS. All files inside vendor and node_modules are just for your ease of use (download everything in one go) and all credit goes to their original creators. Everything apart from these 2 folders in this bundle is my own work and I claim its copyright.
class SampleApi extends CrudApi{
public $table = 'posts';
(new SampleApi())->Execute();
The small piece of code written above will turn your php page into a full blown REST API.
Say, this code is running at localhost:8000, then you can use the following APIs.
GET / localhost:8000/sample.php - Returns list of records from posts table.
GET / localhost:8000/sample.php?id=1 - Returns record with id=1 from posts table.
DELETE / localhost:8000/sample.php?id=1 - Deletes record with id=1 from posts table.
POST / localhost:8000/sample.php - Inserts a new records from the payload into posts table.
PUT / localhost:8000/sample.php - Update a record from posts table using the payload supplier.
The database connection has to be specifid in config.php. Just replace the following line with your own.
$db = Db::Create('localhost','root','','testdb');
The API assumes that each table will have a field id (INT, AUTO INCREMENT) as the primary key.
The API will also have timestamp auditing ON by default. So POST and PUT operations will affect the following columns in the table.
created_at datetime
created_by VARCHAR(50)
updated_at datetime
updated_by VARCHAR(50)
You can use the following snippet to create the table used in this sample.
title VARCHAR(50),
description VARCHAR(50),
created_at datetime,
created_by VARCHAR(50),
updated_at datetime,
updated_by VARCHAR(50),
###Sample Payload
"title" : "hello world",
"description" : "this is a sample post"
"id" : 1,
"title" : "hello again",
"description" : "this is a modified post"
Adding the following code in your SampleApi class will provide OOTB validations for required fields.
public function PostRequiredFields(){
return array("title", "description");
public function PutRequiredFields(){
return array("id", "title", "description");
You can check the sample.php file provided along with this distribution for implementation details.
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