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  • Title: Stepper Motor Control PICO
  • Description:

A Raspberry pi Pico SDK C++ library to drive stepper motors controllers. The components supported are some of the most widely used by the electronic hobbyist community. This is a partial port of my 'rpiMotorLib' a python raspberry pi library. Not all components supported yet.

  • URL to 'rpiMotorLib': URL LINK

  • Toolchain

    1. Raspberry pi PICO RP2040
    2. SDK C++, compiler G++ for arm-none-eabi
    3. CMAKE , VScode

Supported Components

Note: the help file links below are to the aforementioned raspberry pi python port. The theory of operation, hardware setup and much of the software API is the same. There is an example file for each motor in examples folder. To build the one you want, edit the CMakeLists.txt file add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} section, comment in one example file path and one only. Code is commented for Doxygen API generation. Code for an optional push button to ground is included in the example files, this push button can be used as a stop on motor movement.

Stepper motors

Motor tested Motor controller example file Help File URL
Unipolar 28BYJ-48 ULN2003 driver module BYJ_48 Link
Bipolar Nema TB6612FNG Dual Driver Carrier TB6612FNG_NEMA Link
Bipolar Nema L298N H-Bridge controller module L298N_NEMA Link
Bipolar Nema MX1508 Motor controller module MX1508_NEMA Link
Bipolar Nema A4988 Motor controller module A4988_NEMA Link
Bipolar Nema DRV8825 Motor controller module DRV8825_NEMA Link
Bipolar Nema LV8729Motor controller module LV8729_NEMA Link
Bipolar Nema A3967 Easy Driver A3967_NEMA Link


If verbose output is enabled. Data reports and any errors are sent to console at 38400 baud via USB.
