multiple rooms collaborative editor with nodejs, express and socketio. The code editor is from CodeMirror(
user can create rooms and edit a file with friends by sharing the room url. Current setting for codemirror is in the very basic md view, but they support lots more amazing features, like themes and sublime-liked.
#####This is my first project on github :-)
This a little experiment, refinements are needed for deploy.
Planned to add few more features, but maintenance may terminated at any time.
- git clone
- npm install
- node app
####http://localhost:3000 Homepage, a button for creating a new room (will direct to getroom.html and generate a new random room).
####http://localhost:3000/getroom.html Generate a new random room id with 5 letters random string (I, l, o, O, 0 are excluded for the sake of urls), user will be direct to the url http://localhost:3000/(roomid) automatically.
####http://localhost:3000/(roomid) Get into the room with the specified room id, it only accept exactly five characters [a-zA-Z0-9] as room id, shorter will be considered invalid while the longer will be trim.
####http://localhost:3000/index Getting in a room with any specific room id, it will prompt for room id.
####http://localhost:3000/display Display current number of rooms, all rooms info and their contents respectively.