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all: add flume design tokens
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arnemolland committed Sep 21, 2022
1 parent 788584c commit 8a47192
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Showing 21 changed files with 1,211 additions and 0 deletions.
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# Miscellaneous

# IntelliJ related

# The .vscode folder contains launch configuration and tasks you configure in
# VS Code which you may wish to be included in version control, so this line
# is commented out by default.

# Flutter/Dart/Pub related
# Libraries should not include pubspec.lock, per
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions .metadata
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# This file tracks properties of this Flutter project.
# Used by Flutter tool to assess capabilities and perform upgrades etc.
# This file should be version controlled and should not be manually edited.

revision: 4f9d92fbbdf072a70a70d2179a9f87392b94104c
channel: stable

project_type: package
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions LICENSE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
TODO: Add your license here.
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
This README describes the package. If you publish this package to,
this README's contents appear on the landing page for your package.
For information about how to write a good package README, see the guide for
[writing package pages](
For general information about developing packages, see the Dart guide for
[creating packages](
and the Flutter guide for
[developing packages and plugins](

TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users
know whether this package might be useful for them.

## Features

TODO: List what your package can do. Maybe include images, gifs, or videos.

## Getting started

TODO: List prerequisites and provide or point to information on how to
start using the package.

## Usage

TODO: Include short and useful examples for package users. Add longer examples
to `/example` folder.

const like = 'sample';

## Additional information

TODO: Tell users more about the package: where to find more information, how to
contribute to the package, how to file issues, what response they can expect
from the package authors, and more.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions analysis_options.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
include: package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml

invalid_annotation_target: ignore
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions lib/flume.dart
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
library flume;

export 'package:flume/src/foundation.dart';
export 'package:flume/src/components.dart';
Binary file added lib/fonts/FlumeIcons.ttf
Binary file not shown.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions lib/src/components.dart
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
library components;

export 'package:flume/src/components/icons.dart';
245 changes: 245 additions & 0 deletions lib/src/components/icons.dart
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';

// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names
// ignore_for_file: constant_identifier_names
class _FlumeIconData extends IconData {
const _FlumeIconData(int codePoint,
: super(
fontFamily: 'FlumeIcon',

final String name;

/// {@category Components}
/// Icons defined by Flume.
class FlumeIcon {
const FlumeIcon._();

static const arrow_left = _FlumeIconData(0xf101, 'arrow_left');
static const arrow_right = _FlumeIconData(0xf102, 'arrow_right');
static const arrow_to_left = _FlumeIconData(0xf103, 'arrow_to_left');
static const arrow_to_right = _FlumeIconData(0xf104, 'arrow_to_right');
static const article_filled = _FlumeIconData(0xf105, 'article_filled');
static const article = _FlumeIconData(0xf106, 'article');
static const bell_filled = _FlumeIconData(0xf107, 'bell_filled');
static const bell = _FlumeIconData(0xf108, 'bell');
static const bookmark_filled = _FlumeIconData(0xf109, 'bookmark_filled');
static const bookmark = _FlumeIconData(0xf10a, 'bookmark');
static const bracket_filled = _FlumeIconData(0xf10b, 'bracket_filled');
static const bracket = _FlumeIconData(0xf10c, 'bracket');
static const broadcast = _FlumeIconData(0xf10d, 'broadcast');
static const calendar_filled = _FlumeIconData(0xf10e, 'calendar_filled');
static const calendar = _FlumeIconData(0xf10f, 'calendar');
static const cam_off = _FlumeIconData(0xf110, 'cam_off');
static const cam = _FlumeIconData(0xf111, 'cam');
static const caret_down = _FlumeIconData(0xf112, 'caret_down');
static const caret_right = _FlumeIconData(0xf113, 'caret_right');
static const caret_up = _FlumeIconData(0xf114, 'caret_up');
static const chat_filled = _FlumeIconData(0xf115, 'chat_filled');
static const chat = _FlumeIconData(0xf116, 'chat');
static const check_circle_filled =
_FlumeIconData(0xf117, 'check_circle_filled');
static const check_circle = _FlumeIconData(0xf118, 'check_circle');
static const check = _FlumeIconData(0xf119, 'check');
static const chevron_down = _FlumeIconData(0xf11a, 'chevron_down');
static const chevron_left = _FlumeIconData(0xf11b, 'chevron_left');
static const chevron_right = _FlumeIconData(0xf11c, 'chevron_right');
static const chevron_up = _FlumeIconData(0xf11d, 'chevron_up');
static const chromecast = _FlumeIconData(0xf11e, 'chromecast');
static const circle = _FlumeIconData(0xf11f, 'circle');
static const clock_filled = _FlumeIconData(0xf120, 'clock_filled');
static const clock = _FlumeIconData(0xf121, 'clock');
static const collection_filled = _FlumeIconData(0xf122, 'collection_filled');
static const collection = _FlumeIconData(0xf123, 'collection');
static const cookie = _FlumeIconData(0xf124, 'cookie');
static const dialogue = _FlumeIconData(0xf125, 'dialogue');
static const discord = _FlumeIconData(0xf126, 'discord');
static const download = _FlumeIconData(0xf127, 'download');
static const ellipsis_vertical = _FlumeIconData(0xf128, 'ellipsis_vertical');
static const expand = _FlumeIconData(0xf129, 'expand');
static const explore = _FlumeIconData(0xf12a, 'explore');
static const eye_closed = _FlumeIconData(0xf12b, 'eye_closed');
static const eye_filled = _FlumeIconData(0xf12c, 'eye_filled');
static const eye = _FlumeIconData(0xf12d, 'eye');
static const facebook = _FlumeIconData(0xf12e, 'facebook');
static const filter_filled = _FlumeIconData(0xf12f, 'filter_filled');
static const filter = _FlumeIconData(0xf130, 'filter');
static const flume = _FlumeIconData(0xf131, 'flume');
static const geopoint_filled = _FlumeIconData(0xf132, 'geopoint_filled');
static const geopoint = _FlumeIconData(0xf133, 'geopoint');
static const google = _FlumeIconData(0xf134, 'google');
static const heart_broken = _FlumeIconData(0xf135, 'heart_broken');
static const heart_filled = _FlumeIconData(0xf136, 'heart_filled');
static const heart = _FlumeIconData(0xf137, 'heart');
static const home_filled = _FlumeIconData(0xf138, 'home_filled');
static const home = _FlumeIconData(0xf139, 'home');
static const info = _FlumeIconData(0xf13a, 'info');
static const instagram = _FlumeIconData(0xf13b, 'instagram');
static const lightbulb_filled = _FlumeIconData(0xf13c, 'lightbulb_filled');
static const lightbulb = _FlumeIconData(0xf13d, 'lightbulb');
static const link = _FlumeIconData(0xf13e, 'link');
static const list = _FlumeIconData(0xf13f, 'list');
static const mail = _FlumeIconData(0xf140, 'mail');
static const media_play = _FlumeIconData(0xf141, 'media_play');
static const megaphone_filled = _FlumeIconData(0xf142, 'megaphone_filled');
static const megaphone = _FlumeIconData(0xf143, 'megaphone');
static const menu = _FlumeIconData(0xf144, 'menu');
static const mic = _FlumeIconData(0xf145, 'mic');
static const open_tab = _FlumeIconData(0xf146, 'open_tab');
static const pencil = _FlumeIconData(0xf147, 'pencil');
static const phone = _FlumeIconData(0xf148, 'phone');
static const plus = _FlumeIconData(0xf149, 'plus');
static const poll = _FlumeIconData(0xf14a, 'poll');
static const qualified = _FlumeIconData(0xf14b, 'qualified');
static const reorder = _FlumeIconData(0xf14c, 'reorder');
static const screen = _FlumeIconData(0xf14d, 'screen');
static const search_filled = _FlumeIconData(0xf14e, 'search_filled');
static const search = _FlumeIconData(0xf14f, 'search');
static const settings_filled = _FlumeIconData(0xf150, 'settings_filled');
static const settings = _FlumeIconData(0xf151, 'settings');
static const share = _FlumeIconData(0xf152, 'share');
static const shield = _FlumeIconData(0xf153, 'shield');
static const sign_out = _FlumeIconData(0xf154, 'sign_out');
static const skull = _FlumeIconData(0xf155, 'skull');
static const sort = _FlumeIconData(0xf156, 'sort');
static const spinner = _FlumeIconData(0xf157, 'spinner');
static const star_filled = _FlumeIconData(0xf158, 'star_filled');
static const star = _FlumeIconData(0xf159, 'star');
static const subscription = _FlumeIconData(0xf15a, 'subscription');
static const swords_filled = _FlumeIconData(0xf15b, 'swords_filled');
static const swords = _FlumeIconData(0xf15c, 'swords');
static const times_filled = _FlumeIconData(0xf15d, 'times_filled');
static const times = _FlumeIconData(0xf15e, 'times');
static const trash = _FlumeIconData(0xf15f, 'trash');
static const trophy_filled = _FlumeIconData(0xf160, 'trophy_filled');
static const trophy = _FlumeIconData(0xf161, 'trophy');
static const twitch = _FlumeIconData(0xf162, 'twitch');
static const twitter = _FlumeIconData(0xf163, 'twitter');
static const upload = _FlumeIconData(0xf164, 'upload');
static const user_filled = _FlumeIconData(0xf165, 'user_filled');
static const user = _FlumeIconData(0xf166, 'user');
static const users_filled = _FlumeIconData(0xf167, 'users_filled');
static const users = _FlumeIconData(0xf168, 'users');
static const videos_filled = _FlumeIconData(0xf169, 'videos_filled');
static const videos = _FlumeIconData(0xf16a, 'videos');
static const warning_filled = _FlumeIconData(0xf16b, 'warning_filled');
static const warning = _FlumeIconData(0xf16c, 'warning');
static const youtube = _FlumeIconData(0xf16d, 'youtube');

static const all = <String, _FlumeIconData>{
'arrow_left': arrow_left,
'arrow_right': arrow_right,
'arrow_to_left': arrow_to_left,
'arrow_to_right': arrow_to_right,
'article_filled': article_filled,
'article': article,
'bell_filled': bell_filled,
'bell': bell,
'bookmark_filled': bookmark_filled,
'bookmark': bookmark,
'bracket_filled': bracket_filled,
'bracket': bracket,
'broadcast': broadcast,
'calendar_filled': calendar_filled,
'calendar': calendar,
'cam_off': cam_off,
'cam': cam,
'caret_down': caret_down,
'caret_right': caret_right,
'caret_up': caret_up,
'chat_filled': chat_filled,
'chat': chat,
'check_circle_filled': check_circle_filled,
'check_circle': check_circle,
'check': check,
'chevron_down': chevron_down,
'chevron_left': chevron_left,
'chevron_right': chevron_right,
'chevron_up': chevron_up,
'chromecast': chromecast,
'circle': circle,
'clock_filled': clock_filled,
'clock': clock,
'collection_filled': collection_filled,
'collection': collection,
'cookie': cookie,
'dialogue': dialogue,
'discord': discord,
'download': download,
'ellipsis_vertical': ellipsis_vertical,
'expand': expand,
'explore': explore,
'eye_closed': eye_closed,
'eye_filled': eye_filled,
'eye': eye,
'facebook': facebook,
'filter_filled': filter_filled,
'filter': filter,
'flume': flume,
'geopoint_filled': geopoint_filled,
'geopoint': geopoint,
'google': google,
'heart_broken': heart_broken,
'heart_filled': heart_filled,
'heart': heart,
'home_filled': home_filled,
'home': home,
'info': info,
'instagram': instagram,
'lightbulb_filled': lightbulb_filled,
'lightbulb': lightbulb,
'link': link,
'list': list,
'mail': mail,
'media_play': media_play,
'megaphone_filled': megaphone_filled,
'megaphone': megaphone,
'menu': menu,
'mic': mic,
'open_tab': open_tab,
'pencil': pencil,
'phone': phone,
'plus': plus,
'poll': poll,
'qualified': qualified,
'reorder': reorder,
'screen': screen,
'search_filled': search_filled,
'search': search,
'settings_filled': settings_filled,
'settings': settings,
'share': share,
'shield': shield,
'sign_out': sign_out,
'skull': skull,
'sort': sort,
'spinner': spinner,
'star_filled': star_filled,
'star': star,
'subscription': subscription,
'swords_filled': swords_filled,
'swords': swords,
'times_filled': times_filled,
'times': times,
'trash': trash,
'trophy_filled': trophy_filled,
'trophy': trophy,
'twitch': twitch,
'twitter': twitter,
'upload': upload,
'user_filled': user_filled,
'user': user,
'users_filled': users_filled,
'users': users,
'videos_filled': videos_filled,
'videos': videos,
'warning_filled': warning_filled,
'warning': warning,
'youtube': youtube,
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions lib/src/foundation.dart
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
library foundation;

export 'package:flume/src/foundation/border_radius.dart';
export 'package:flume/src/foundation/breakpoints.dart';
export 'package:flume/src/foundation/colors.dart';
export 'package:flume/src/foundation/motion.dart';
export 'package:flume/src/foundation/palette.dart';
export 'package:flume/src/foundation/shadows.dart';
export 'package:flume/src/foundation/spacing.dart';
export 'package:flume/src/foundation/typography.dart';
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions lib/src/foundation/border_radius.dart
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
/// {@category Foundation}
/// Border radii defined by Flume.
class BorderRadius {
const BorderRadius({
required double xs,
required double sm,
required double md,
required double lg,

/// {@category Foundation}
/// Default border radii defined by Flume.
factory BorderRadius.fallback() => const BorderRadius(
xs: 2,
sm: 4,
md: 6,
lg: 12,

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