本插件基于 https://github.com/f0ng/log4j2burpscanner/ 进行改造,在此感谢f0ng师傅在本项目上做出的贡献。
本插件支持3个dns平台: https://dns.xn--9tr.com/(默认使用) http://ceye.io/ http://www.dnslog.cn/(由于延迟较高不建议使用) 本插件支持自定义dns平台
插件第一次运行时,会在burp目录下创建log4j2burpscanner.properties配置文件。其中的各项含义如下: log_method=0 默认使用第0个dns平台
passivepattern=false 配合burp自带的被动扫描功能,默认关闭
ceyetoken=xxxxxx ceye.io的用户token
ceyednslog=xxxx.ceye.io ceye.io的用户dns地址
privatedns=xxxxxx 用户自定义dns地址
isuseUserAgentTokenXff=true 是否测试请求中的UA头/token头
isuseXfflists=false 是否测试Xff(X-forwarded-for)等请求头
isuseAllCookie=true 是否测试cookie
isuseRefererOrigin=false 是否测试Referer
isuseContenttype=false 是否测试Content-type
isuseAccept=false 是否测试useAccept
custom_dnslog_protocol=jndi:ldap: ayload中"jndi:ladp:"的位置字段,可以自定义"jndi:"的bypass方式,例如输入${lower:j}ndi${::-:}lda${lower:p}:
dnslog_protocol_index=1 payload中"jndi:ladp:"的位置字段的一些默认提供项,设置为0就可使用上一项自定义的custom_dnslog_protocol,设置8为最强bypass
whitelists=*.gov.cn *.edu.cn 不进行测试的host名单
customlists=X-Client-IP X-Requested-With X-Api-Version 需要额外添加并测试的请求头,用空格分隔
config中有save configuration,load configuration,test dnslog三个按钮,分别用于保存当前设定的properties,加载properties文件和测试当前选择的dns平台是否可用。
[+] load successful!
[+] log4j2burpscanner v0.22.funny
[+] https://github.com/f0ng/log4j2burpscanner
[+] recode by funnyndk
[+]using log.xn--9tr.com now!
[+]dns address : XXXxxxXXX
[+]dns token : xxx
[+]You also can request to XXXxxxXXX to see dnslog
其中dns address为payload中请求的域名,xxx 可以人为查看解析记录
对请求包右键的菜单栏中,新增了"Send to log4j2 Scanner"选项,点击后将对包进行注入改造并且测试。完成dns询问后,会在log4j2 RCE栏中展示恶意请求和结果等等
Q:为什么安装插件失败,提示java.lang.ClassFoundException: burp.BurpExtender
A:请使用jdk1.8,本插件开发环境为jdk1.8,测试环境为Burp Suite Pro 1.7.31。如果已使用jdk1.8,请更新jdk小版本。开发机版本为jdk1.8.0_291,请至少与之一致,
Q:为什么点了"Send to log4j2 Scanner"选项,log4j2 RCE栏中没有出结果
Q:为什么加载插件显示"load ERROR"
0.19.funny dev note
20220617 dev list
add a "dnslog.cn" dnslog platfrom chocie done!
make it to a slowly passively auto-detection
more methods to bypass update continually...
more position in request to inject log4j2 payload done!
20220623 dev list
fix the code bug done!
test all program done!
0.20.funny update note
20220629 update list
fix the bug - cant send request without response to log4j2 scanner
update the feature - log4j2 scanner will show the records even though of which the request doesnt get a response
0.21.funny update note
20220704 update list
update the feature - change how the plugin modifies custom_dnslog_protocol
0.22.funny update note
20220801 update list
optimize the code - use "Abstract Factory" to dnslog platforms list, make it more easy to maintain current platforms or increase a new one
update the feature - add a random bypass mode like j => ${"random_str":"random_str":"random_str"... - j}
update the feature - support privatedns mode
0.23.funny update note
20220818 update list
fix the bug - print massage with a lot of "null" when dnslog platform is failed
fix the bug - X-forward-for can be disabled
fix the bug - a test println forgot to delete
20230320 update list
optimize the code - change all chinese comment to english comment
optimize the code - optimize the function askDnslogRecordOnce
fix the bug - dnslog.cn cant work, because the missing cookie of request