How To use an FTPClient {apache} with kotlin
This is a basic usage! will be improved in the future...
if you can help me whit more specific example or feature, you are welcome!!
Is possible to test and improve this code by using a free online ftp server
this is a free ftp server where only read is allowed (you can't upload your files)
server = "" ftp.login("demo","password")
-I'm using a raspberry py 3b with ubuntu 20 local fossa
install server ftp
sudo apt update && sudo apt install vsftpd
check status
sudo service vsftpd status
(not necessary) create an ftp user and password (follow steps)
sudo adduser ftpusername
(NECESSARY) enable any kind of write from ftp :) (it tooks 2 days of work to find this setting! fool!) edit file etc/vsftpd.conf and uncomment line #writeEnabled=TRUE
restart service or machine!
(NECESSARY) set the same time zone for server and client (unluckily ftp server give us back time as long with not zoneId infos...)
more FTP configuration needed->
-apache common lib provides 2 ways for check last file modification:
Gets the file timestamp. This usually the last modification time. Returns:A Calendar instance representing the file timestamp.
this method don't return seconds!<---CARE
so if you are polling this check more than 1 time per minute.. this is not accurate!!
Returns:A String that PROBABLY is ISO 3077 form YYYYMMDDhhmmss Issue the FTP MDTM command (not supported by all servers) to retrieve the last modification time of a file. The modification string should be in the ISO 3077 form "YYYYMMDDhhmmss(.xxx)?". The timestamp represented should also be in GMT, but not all FTP servers honor this.