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Deployment Recommendations

jbrekle edited this page May 12, 2012 · 8 revisions

This page is a recommendation, which OS, Backend, ... you should currently choose to avoid problems.


Operating System

Ubuntu (latest release), any other linux distro should be fine too.


Most developers are using Apache but there is also a setup guide for NGINX. lighttpd should be possible too, but uses a different rewrite rule language and we dont have ported ours yet.


5.2 or higher, more details for PHP configuration here


Virtuoso Opensource Version 6.1.2 or higher, more details for installation here. MySQL backend is also posible but slower.


Current Google Chrome, Safari and Firefox Browser tested, current MSIE not always tested but should work. Older browser are not fully compatible. More details here

OntoWiki Version

We recommend the installation of a current snapshot release or directly from the repository.

Professional Support

AKSW gives professional support for deployment and customization. Please ask Sebastian Tramp regarding this.