Welcome to my personal github account! Most of my repos are in the realm of binding languages, extending libraries, bridging tools, making color schemes, or collecting data. I like to tinker with data visualizations, shaders, fluid dynamics, deep learning algorithms, & local LLMs. Love learning more about classes, quarto, and package dev in the process.
Most importantly, love the idea of collaborating with others & open-source software. Please submit an issue or PR if interested in contributing to one of my experimental libraries.
libraries I'm actively working on:
- 🌽 {maize} a binding of specialty kernels for SVMs to {parsnip}
- 🦙 {kuzco} an LLM image assistant for classification, sentiment, and detection
- ⌚ {kantime} kolmogorov-arnold networks for time series in R via Nixtla & {modeltime}
- 📊 {ggpal2} an AI {pal} assistant for data visualization
Currently, hold the title of DS&A Director and lead a team working on ML in energy. Live in Colorado and most of my free time is spent with loving wife, two beautiful boys, one energetic dog, & two grumpy cats.