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Aruba Challenge



The solution is composed by

  • PEC API Service (pec-api module): spring boot service that exposes two endpoints:

    • /pec/list for retrieving list of pec associated to calling user
    • /pec/message for getting list of messages with filters

    This APIs will require an authorization header content to be used for PEC service integration. So this authorization code must be retrieved before calling API (from frontend)

  • Firma & Conservazione API Service (api-async module): spring boot service that exposes two endpoints:

    • /request for submitting request of firma and conservazione of messages. It returns an identifier of the request that can be used in next endpoint
    • /status/{identifier} for understanding status of the request. It will return a status among:
      • FAILED

    This service will receive the request from issuer and submit it via a queue system.

    The requests in queue will be consumed by one of the two jobs described later. First will be executed the Firma Job in order to sign messages and messages will have FIRMA_IN_PROGRESS status. When firma has been done, then the other job, Conservazione Job, will be in charge of conservazione phase and the status of the message will become CONSERVAZIONE_IN_PROGRESS. Once this has been completed, status will be updated to COMPLETED.

    If one of these procedures fails, status will be FAILED.

  • Firma Job (module job with profile firma): spring boot service that consumes firma requests queue messages and integrates with Firma service.

    This job will require an authorization header content to be used for Firma service integration. So this authorization code should be set in the request message from the issuer.

  • Conservazione Job (module job with profile conserva): spring boot service that consumes conservazione requests queue messages and integrates with Conservazione service.

    This job will require an authorization header content to be used for Conservazione service integration. So this authorization code should be set in the request message from the issuer.

  • Load balancer (not implemented yet): spring boot service that will verify token and authorize requests based on integration with an identity provider.

  • Message broker: in this work, RabbitMQ has been used. There are 4 defined persistent queues:

    • firma-request
    • firma-response
    • conservazione-request
    • conservazione-response

    In this way request of firma and conservazione are asynchronous from actual job.

    Job is done and when finishes will return the OK/KO.

  • Database: in this work, MariaDB has been used. This DB stores all requests issued with associated status.

    It is owned by Firma & Conservazione API service (single responsibility principle).

Oauth2 Flow (not implemented)


User Journey

From frontend (not developed here but hypothetically) the user can login following OAuth2 flow. Then it should also connect to Firma, PEC and Conservazione services, getting the needed token for calling them.

Once all tokens have been gotten, frontend can show pec list (calling /pec/list API) and allow user to select filters. User's token will be verified by load balancer and, if allowed, the request can proceed.

When pecs and filters have been selected, then /pec/message API will be called in order to get a list of messages.

Here is the diagram for this:

    User->>LoadBalancer: /pec/*
    LoadBalancer->>IdentityProvider: verifyToken
        alt Gamma token not valid
            IdentityProvider->>LoadBalancer: 403
            LoadBalancer-->User: 403
        else Gamma token valid
            IdentityProvider->>LoadBalancer: 200
            LoadBalancer->>PEC_MW: /pec/*
            PEC_MW->>PEC: search pecs or messages 
            PEC->>PEC: authorize request using token in body
            PEC->>PEC_MW: return pecs or messages
            PEC_MW->>LoadBalancer: 200
            LoadBalancer-->User: 200

The user can select messages and associated attachments and can submit them to /request API.

This api will only queue the request and return the identifier. First the message is queued in firma-request queue. Then, the firma job will reply on firma-response and the Firma & Conservazione service will read this and queue the message to conservazione-request queue. When the conservazione job will reply on conservazione-response then Firma & Conservazione service will update DB with correct status.

Here is API request sequence diagram.

    User->>LoadBalancer: /request
    LoadBalancer->>IdentityProvider: verifyToken
        alt Gamma token not valid
            IdentityProvider->>LoadBalancer: 403
            LoadBalancer-->User: 403
        else Gamma token valid
            IdentityProvider->>LoadBalancer: 200
            LoadBalancer->>API_MW: /request
            API_MW->>API_MW: save on DB: FIRMA_IN_PROGRESS status
            API_MW-->>FIRMA_JOB: async queuing of request for firma 
            API_MW->>LoadBalancer: 200 w/identifier
            LoadBalancer->>User: 200 w/ identifier

Event's sequence diagram:

  RABBITMQ-->>API_MW: consume message from queue
  API_MW->>API_MW: check type of response received
        alt got firma response
            API_MW->>API_MW: save on DB: CONSERVAZIONE_IN_PROGRESS status
            API_MW-->>CONSERVAZIONE_JOB: async queuing of request for conservazione
          alt got conservazione response
              API_MW->>API_MW: save on DB: COMPLETED status 
          else failed firma or conservazione
              API_MW->>API_MW: save on DB: FAILED status 

The frontend can poll the identifier (/status/{identifier} api) in order to understand the status of the request.

Also, it can show on screen live status of the request.

Here is the polling sequence diagram:

    User->>LoadBalancer: /status/{identifier}
    LoadBalancer->>IdentityProvider: verifyToken
        alt Gamma token not valid
            IdentityProvider->>LoadBalancer: 403
            LoadBalancer-->User: 403
        else Gamma token valid
            IdentityProvider->>LoadBalancer: 200
            LoadBalancer->>API_MW: /status/{identifier}
            API_MW->>API_MW: search on DB and retrieve status
            alt elem not present in db
            API_MW->>LoadBalancer: 404
            LoadBalancer->>User: 404
            API_MW->>LoadBalancer: 200 w/ request with status
            LoadBalancer->>User: 200 w/ request with status


  • java jdk 17
  • docker
  • docker-compose
  • node 13.12.0
  • npm 6.14.4



For all setup, commands have been collected in a Makefile.

In order to make the solution work, the following steps must be followed:

  • compile
  • build
  • initialization
  • configuration
  • run

In following sections each step is described.


Use java 17 jdk to compile both applications.

The command

make java_home=<path_to_jdk> compile

will compile and build jar file.

It uses gradle wrapper, configured inside project. This also executes application unit tests.

Build docker images

The command

make build

will build 3 docker images:

  • francesco/async-api with spring boot firma & conservazione api service
  • francesco/job with spring boot job service
  • francesco/pec-api with spring boot pec service


The command

make init

will run docker-compose up command in order to start containers from images:

  • rabbitmq, with forwarded ports 5672 and 15672
  • mariadb, with forwarded port 3306 and database name messagedb
  • castlemock, with forwarded port 8888:8080, used for mocking PEC, Firma and Conservazione external systems


The command

make configure

is mandatory in order to create the two queues used by services.

Allow some time (few seconds) after make init before running this, because it needs RabbitMQ to be up and running.

Run services

The services can be run in two ways:

  • launching them from terminal with java
  • launching them as docker images

For the java option, you can use:

java -jar ./api-async/build/libs/api-async-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar # async api service
java -jar ./pec-api/build/libs/pec-api-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar # pec api service
SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=firma java -jar ./job/build/libs/job-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar # firma job-service
SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=conserva java -jar ./job/build/libs/job-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar # conserva job-service

For the docker option, you can use:

make run

or to run them in background:

make run-background

Pec API service will be exposed on 8080 port.

Firma & Conservazione service will be exposed on 8081 port.

For cleaning at the end

When needed to clean all, stop docker containers of two services and also issue the command

make clean

to clean and remove containers and network created by docker-compose.

Note on responsibility of component

  • load balancer: access and OAuth2 token check
  • PEC API service: integrate with PEC system
  • Async API service: manage requests for firma and conservazione and keep track of status of requests
  • Firma Job: integrate with Firma system
  • Conservazione Job: integrate with Conservazione system

Note on storage

In MariaDB database, requested messages and responses status update will be stored.

A relational db has been used but can be replaced by other types of database.

Note on ELK stack

All microservices produce logs in console and in a separate file.

The latter contains ELK compliant logs, using logback.

Note on scaling

APIs and job are decoupled so that can be scaled independently.

The two jobs are separated for the same reason. Firma and Conservazione can be very different operations and also the scaling model can be different.

What if we were in AWS world

The developed solution is an on-premise one, but adaptable to AWS (or generally cloud) scenario.

  • AWS SQS instead of RabbitMQ for queue management
  • AWS RDS instead of MariaDB
  • AWS API Gateway: in place of load balancer service
  • Spring Boot apis service: deployed and exposed as AWS Lambda through AWS API Gateway, with adaptation and java native compilation (for optimizing start up times)
  • Spring Boot job service: deployed as ECS service, because each job can take too much time to be thought as Lambdas.
  • Eventual Static Frontend: deployed as hosted static website on AWS S3, with AWS Cloudfront on top if needed

What is missing from the solution

  • unit tests (due to lack of time for adding them)
  • load balancer implementation
  • eventual service discovery service (like Eureka) for optimal scaling of API services
  • implementation of OAuth2 token verification (spring security OR custom filter)
  • pagination of pec and messages APIs (could be a very high number so pagination is needed)
  • adding of more filters on /pec/message api, now limited only by pec_id
  • error management of all cases


Francesco Bonesi

[email protected]


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