is a virtual estate monitoring/management tool (VEM²) under
active development.
Virtual/digital estate is an all-encompassing term that generally refers to all of the (non-physical) assets in your possession. Some of them may be entirely virtual, like accounts on Others have a physical component as well, like a server in your closet, Raspberry Pi, or laptop.
All of these entities are part of your virtual estate and are often intricately connected in various ways. As an example, you might have an SSH key or API token on your machine that grants access to repositories (a kind of digital asset) on Github. And suppose your machine also has an authorized key installed that allows access from another machine:
┌──────────┐ SSH Key ┌──────────┐ API Token ┌───────────────────┐
│Machine A ┼───────────►Machine B ┼─────────────► Github │
└──────────┘ └──────────┘ │ │
│ - Private repos │
If you care about those repos, then Sandpolis can map out an attack surface that
includes both Machine A
and Machine B
. If Machine A
happens to have a weak
password or one that's shared with another website, then the attack surface is
consequently expanded with appropriate probabilities.
Mapping these relationships automatically is possible because Sandpolis runs an
agent on Machine A
and Machine B
(and has API access to Github).
Sandpolis is an extremely high-value attack target as it provides management access to your virtual estate. To compensate, strong security measures are available:
All connections to a server use mTLS and require a valid client certificate. The server automatically rotates these certificates periodically, but the initial certificate must be installed out-of-band.
Users can be required to login with two-factor authentication codes.
User permissions restrict what users are able to do and on what instances.
Even with several layers of strong authentication, there's always risk that the Sandpolis server can be compromised. If the risks of introducing a "single point of compromise" outweigh the convenience of having a unified management interface, then don't use Sandpolis.
You can choose how much trust you allocate to the Sandpolis network. For example, agents can optionally run in read only mode which still provides useful monitoring information, but prohibits all write operations (including agent updates). This can significantly mitigate potential damage in the event of server compromise.
Features are organized into layers that can be toggled on/off in the UI. If you build Sandpolis from source, it's also easy to pick and choose what layers are included:
# Build the Sandpolis server with remote desktop capabilities ONLY
cargo build --no-default-features --features server --features layer-desktop
Models online/offline accounts and their relationships to agent instances. Enables higher-order analysis of virtual estate like attack surface mapping and compromise tracing.
Triggers user notifications when certain events are detected in the Sandpolis network. For example, if a user's status is currently AWAY, an unexpected SSH login from that user (anywhere in the network) will fire an urgent alert.
Provides access to remote desktop capabilities.
Provides read/write access to agent filesystems. The Sandpolis client can also mount an agent's filesystem.
Integrates with package managers to monitor package versions.
Probes are managable from the Sandpolis network, but don't run agent software. Instead, a remote Sandpolis agent instance connects to probes over a standard protocol like SSH, SNMP, Docker, etc.
You can interact with probes almost as if they were regular agents (as long as the gateway instance remains online).
Provides an interactive remote shell.