Display files from a Github Repo on a site using AngularJS.
- Display markdown files pulled from github repo.
- Supports latex render using MathJax.
- Support relative links in markdown file.
First, download "angular-github-repo-display" and add it to your app.
Warning: AGRD depends on MathJax. Bower downloads around 50+ MB just for that :| So be a little bit patient.
bower install angular-github-repo-display
Then add the module to your app.
angular.module( "your-app", ["angular-github-repo-display"] );
We want to render latex so we have to add MathJax and configure it.
Add these scripts at the end of your html file.
<!-- MathJax Configuration -->
<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
tex2jax: {
inlineMath: [ ['$','$'], ["\\(","\\)"] ],
processEscapes: true
<script type="text/javascript"
After that, wrap your latex with $ signs. To use them literally, delimit them as /$.
Decide, on which route you want to display the github repo. Suppose, you decided, it will be on the following route:
AGRD displays files from repo using the routes parameters. So it's important that we configure the route. Just add this:
angular.module("your-app").configure ( function( $routeProvider){
$routeProvider.when ( "/may/be/here/:filePath*", {
templateUrl: "SpecialTemplate.html"
So, just add ":filePath*" at the end of your desired route. filePath
acts an parameter which AGRD uses to pull in files. And what about specialTemplate
? That's coming next.
Add this directive in your SpecialTemplate view:
<github-repo git-link="UserName/RepoName"></github-repo>
So what is happening? This directive is responsible for pulling files from github using API. But how is it going to know which repo to pull? Notice the "git-link" attribute there? That's what points to the git repo we want to pull.
For example, suppose we want to pull one of my other repo, then we put git-link="forthright48/cpps101"