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Repository files navigation

Angular Github Repo Display (AGRD)

Display files from a Github Repo on a site using AngularJS.

Currently can display markdown files only


  • Display markdown files pulled from github repo.
  • Supports latex render using MathJax.
  • Support relative links in markdown file.

How to Use it


First, download "angular-github-repo-display" and add it to your app.

Warning: AGRD depends on MathJax. Bower downloads around 50+ MB just for that :| So be a little bit patient.

bower install angular-github-repo-display

Then add the module to your app.

angular.module( "your-app", ["angular-github-repo-display"] );

Render Latex

We want to render latex so we have to add MathJax and configure it.

Add these scripts at the end of your html file.

<!-- MathJax Configuration -->
<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
    tex2jax: {
      inlineMath: [ ['$','$'], ["\\(","\\)"] ],
      processEscapes: true

<script type="text/javascript"

After that, wrap your latex with $ signs. To use them literally, delimit them as /$.

Fixing Route

Decide, on which route you want to display the github repo. Suppose, you decided, it will be on the following route:

AGRD displays files from repo using the routes parameters. So it's important that we configure the route. Just add this:

angular.module("your-app").configure ( function( $routeProvider){
        $routeProvider.when ( "/may/be/here/:filePath*", {
                templateUrl: "SpecialTemplate.html"

So, just add ":filePath*" at the end of your desired route. filePath acts an parameter which AGRD uses to pull in files. And what about specialTemplate? That's coming next.


Add this directive in your SpecialTemplate view:

<github-repo git-link="UserName/RepoName"></github-repo>

So what is happening? This directive is responsible for pulling files from github using API. But how is it going to know which repo to pull? Notice the "git-link" attribute there? That's what points to the git repo we want to pull.

For example, suppose we want to pull one of my other repo, then we put git-link="forthright48/cpps101".


Display Github Repo files on a site using AngularJS.






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