This app is supposed to give detailed and appealing visual feedback and information about a computers network traffic. Since it is build with Electron, it is supposed to be cross-platform comaptible. So far the download- and upload speed is presented on the upper right corner of the screen (it should only work on 1080p monitors at the moment) in digits as well as in a blue and a green circle. Max download and upload speed (which represent 360° of the circles) can also be set manually via two input fields below. But in a future version this is going to be replaced by a speedtest feature.
This app is under construction. It's not guaranteed that it will work. So far there seems to be an issue when the computer uses a non default network interface for communication and so the down- and upload speed capturing will not work.
- Clone or download this repository
- Change into its dir
cd traffic-analyzer
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Run the app
npm start