Giselle Muschett & Francisco E. Fontúrbel
Instituto de Biología, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso.
We are proud to present you this publication catalogue that gathers all published papers on pollination (sensu lato) in Chile (from 1982 to 2019). This catalogue contains 120 papers 📚 and was produced in the frame of the ANID/PCI NE/S011870/01 project aiming to have all this information in one place. An important part of this catalogue is based upon Medel et al. (2018) review, published in Plant Biology doi 10.1111/plb.12644.
The associated paper to this catalogue, explaining in detail its content and structure, was published in Scientific Data and it can be accessed HERE 📄
When using this information, please cite both the repository and the Scientific Data paper 😉
This repository contains three major files:
(1) A .csv with the information compiled from each paper included in the catalogue 📕
(2) A .ris file containing the full references of all papers included in the catalogue 🖥️
(3) A .bib file containing the full references of all papers included in the catalogue 💻
We also include two R scripts to start working with the database, a RMarkdown file to generate a complete bibliography list, and a HTML file containing the the full bibliographic details of the 120 papers included in the catalogue.
This catalogue is related to the plant-pollinator database developed by REBIPP 🇧🇷
In the spirit of collaboration and open science, please feel free to fork this repository and submit a pull request if you have new information to contribute to this database 👍
For more information about the standard used to report plant-pollinator interactions for this database, please click here. All contributions should use this standard in order to be added to the main database.
We elaborated this catalogue with funding granted by the Chilean Agency of Research and Development ANID 🇨🇱 through the PCI program (grant NE/S011870/01).
This information is provided under a Creative Commons BY-SA license. Therefore, you may freely use this data catalogue, but you must agree to: (i) give the appropriate credit to the authors by citing this repository and its doi, and (ii) if you transform, remix, or build upon this data, the resulting dataset should be shared under the same license conditions.
This pollination catalogue is configured to be indexed by Global Biotic Interactions (GloBI,