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This repository was archived by the owner on Dec 26, 2023. It is now read-only.


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The project can be installed via npm or yarn.


npm install flystyles


yarn add flystyles

Build commands

A compiled version of the CSS is provided in /dist folder. To compile a new version:

Install dependencies:

npm install

Compile CSS:

npm run build


Documentation is a static website stored in /docs folder. Accessing to /dics/index.html can be seen in local.

Build documentation

Documentation updates will be done directly in its html files form /docs/** and documentation styles need to be modified in /docs/_scss and recompiled:

bundle install

NOTE: this include /scr changes, but only for documentation


Styleguide Driven Development

Styleguide Driven Development (SDD) is a practice that encourages the separation of UX, Design & Frontend from Backend concerns. This is achieved by developing the UI separately in a styleguide.

By separating the UI and backend tasks so they don’t rely on each other, it allows teams to iterate fast on prototypes and designs without having to make changes to the backend. With careful planning they should plug-and-play together nicely.


For the moment, the project is hosted on GitHub Pages The project is deployed whenever you push to master automatically.

Create a new version

To create a new version you have to use the npm command version. It will generate the new dist files, add a release tag and push to the branch you are.

npm version [<newversion> | major | minor | patch | premajor | preminor | prepatch | prerelease | from-git]

Then create a PR and request the review from other project commiters. Once accepted and merged to master, execute npm publish from master branch.


|- styles
|   – mixins/
|      |– _responsive.scss   # Responsive mixins
|      |– _typography.scss   # Typography mixins
|      …                     # Etc
|   – base/
|       |– _normalize.scss    # Reset/normalize
|       |– _typography.scss   # Typography rules
|       |- _animations.scss   # CSS Animations
|       …                     # Etc.
|   – utilities/
|       |– _spacing.scss      # Margins, paddings, ...
|       |– _responsive.scss   # Brakpoints visibility classes
|       …                     # Etc.
|- components/
|   |– Button/_Button.scss    # Buttons
|   |– Grid/_Grid.scss        # Grid
|   …                         # Etc.
|- _config.scss           # Flystyles variables
|– main.scss              # Main Sass file

Files follow the same naming conventions described above: they are hyphen-delimited.


The base/ folder holds what we might call the boilerplate code for the project. In there, you might find the reset file, some typographic rules, and probably a stylesheet defining some standard styles for commonly used HTML elements (that I like to call _base.scss).



For smaller components, there is the components/ folder. There are usually a lot of files in components/ since the whole site/application should be mostly composed of tiny modules.



The mixins/ folder gathers all Sass tools and helpers used across the project. Every global variable, function, mixin and placeholder should be put in here. This files dont's produce any output.



Custom theme specific styles.



Utilities are low-level. They have a very narrow scope and may end up being used frequently, due to their separation from the semantics of the document and the theming of a component. As a result, once a class is in significant use great care should be taken when introducing any modifications to it.

Utilities make use of !important to ensure that their styles always apply ahead of those defined in a component's dedicated CSS.


CONFIG FILE _config.scss

The configuration file where all variables are defined. Copy this file to override the Flystyles defaults without modifying key, versioned files.

MAIN FILE flystyles.scss

The main file should be the only Sass file from the whole code base not to begin with an underscore. This file should not contain anything but @import and comments.