This Python library (written for v2.7) provides classes and methods to support Proteomics data interpretation. It is intended to be a library resource for use by other software programmes rather than providing any distinct program functionality. There are unittest modules to test the functionality of the code suppleid herein, and these, along with the examples and the API documentation should provide a suitable examples for implementation.
The Python library is separated into a number of different modules. These modules are to separate different functionality. The modules available are:
- Mascot
Mascot is a piece of software produced by Matrix Science, and it's aim is to produce protein (via peptide) identifications from raw spectral information from the mass spectrometers. It is, in Europe, the accepted method for identifing the proteins in a sample, particularly if the results are to be published: there are however alternatives.
The Mascot module currently provides the ability to examine Mascot search logs, and the user and group configurations. To see the individual methods available, and to see information regarding implementation of the code, see the Epydoc (a code-generated documentation, similar to JavaDoc).
Julian Selley <[email protected]>