This is the repository for my environmental media lab piece it will be a low-tech web artwork inspired by the rebellion to enclosure on otmoor in the mid-1800s The piece will comprise of a set of scenes that will refresh every cycle of the moon
scene 1:
names of places of commons (with a central point at otmoor*) in the shape of tools (trowels, spaces, gloves, hoes, etc.). The names will be gathered from shared assets website, users can add names of locations via an input box
scene 2:
images from the locations wrapped around knots
somehow deals with abolition and the relationship between enclosure and commons
ideas: programmatically scrubbing out military and police sites from map/images
links will be available to all locations
Ideally, this website is as low power as possible and could run of solar power
setup idea: hardware raspberry pi - preferably a pizero e-ink screen 18650 battery solar panel wifi connection
3D software - 3JS or GLSLViewer (this would be lower power I reckon)
image-processing software - python PIL/wand or Javascript Sharp
website - nodejs + HTML + CSS + Js
fetching images from api
storing locations (this could be a really simple server like a )
30 day timer running on the server
1. nodejs server handling fetching images from Place API, could handle glslviewer?
2. website displaying three scene
*ie. I'll start at otmoor and work out don't follow national lines
How to use Google Place Photo API
- make a places search request return a place id
- make a places details request this requires some parameter get back a photoreference id
Creating a 2D texture from 2D Images explore the file structure when you do photogrammetry could I then programmatically adjust this file? would there be enough detail? they're around 4k x 4k so I think so could always have multiple objects
Project Structure: 2 parallel processes One web app, one local script
Image Gathering, Fermenting Python script get images from API from a list of Commons (list of commons is a file on the ) Saving Images then composites images into batches of 2D Textures for 3D Models (this could just start as compositing into 2D Images) screenshots taken of 3D models being rotated - then dithered (e.g. 30 images going round the whole model) images saved into folders make gif from images this is done at every full moon
Web Application a web application that shows the rotated 3D models as gifs served as a simple website for now information about project also available time until next full moon also available functions input to add to the commons list