Processing-esque sandboxing library for Rust with wgpu.
See the examples folder for more code snippets, as well as (eventually) screen shots.
use peach::prelude::*;
fn main() {
// Settings for the window, see the inline documentation for
// more information.
let settings = Settings {
title: Some("Example Sketch"),
size: [512.0, 512.0].into(),
framerate: None,
exit_key: Some(Key::Escape),
// Run a given sketch, provided a structure type
// implementing `Handler`.
struct Example;
// Event handler, such as draw, mouse moved, mouse pressed,
// key released, etc.
impl Handler for Example {
fn setup(sketch: &mut Sketch) -> Self {
sketch.set_clear_color(Color::new(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
fn draw(&mut self, sketch: &mut Sketch, gfx: &mut Graphics) {
let t = sketch.get_time_since_start().as_secs_scalar();
let x = 1.5 * t.cos();
let y = (2.0 * t).sin();
let size = Point::from(sketch.get_size().to_tuple());
// Set the fill color for all 'top-level' objects.
gfx.fill(Color {
r: 1.0,
g: 0.33,
b: 0.66,
a: 1.0,
// Draw an initial square at the cursor position.
gfx.square(sketch.get_mouse_position(), 20.0);
// A `scoped` block, similar to a push-pop block in
// Processing.
// Can be infinitely nested.
gfx.scoped(|gfx| {
let center = sketch.get_center();
let pos = center.to_vector() + Vector::new(x, y) * 100.0;
gfx.rotate(Angle::radians(x * PI));
gfx.square(Point::zero(), 10.0 + 20.0 * x.abs());
// Stroke will still be black, because scoped blocks have no
// effect outside of their scope.
gfx.square(size - sketch.get_mouse_position().to_vector(), 20.0);