A collection of Raspbian lite salt configurations and helper scripts.
Use the included utility script write-image.sh
, which should guide you interactively to writing the image to your SD card. If it fails without finding a proper SD card block device, try invoking it like this: write-image.sh /path/to/your/sdcard
. The path will most likely be something like /dev/sdx
After successfully writing the image to an SD card, insert it into the Raspberry Pi and start it. Now connect to it via SSH with the default credentials (user: pi
/ password: raspberry
). First of all make sure that you expand the file system by invoking sudo raspi-config
and choosing Expand Filesystem
. After a neccessary reboot, make a full system upgrade like so: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
. At the end you install git with sudo apt-get install git
and clone this very repo by using git clone "https://github.com/flipdot/salt-raspi.git"
. Now cd
into the bootstrap
directory and call sudo bootstrap-minion.sh
Later, you can update salt by using sudo salt-call state.highstate 2>/dev/null