blitz install fleck/file-depot
there appears to be a bug with recipes (or maybe I'm doing something wrong). These files get created as:
when the paths should be:
import { useFileUpload } from "app/file/useFileUpload"
import { urlFor } from "app/file/url"
const Home: BlitzPage = () => {
const { getRootProps, fileInput, getInputProps, file } = useFileUpload()
return (
<div className="container">
<div {...getRootProps()}>
click to upload file
<input ref={fileInput} id="file-upload" name="file-upload" {...getInputProps()} />
Show the original image:
{file && <img src={urlFor(file)} />}
Show rotate variation
{file && <img src={urlFor(file, "rotate")} />}
// ...
model Item {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
featured Boolean @default(false)
name String? @db.VarChar
url String? @db.VarChar
text String?
fileId Int?
image File? @relation(fields: [fileId], references: [id])