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Charcoal is a declarative library that simplifies the creation of modern filtering experiences. It allows you in a flexible way to represent complex filtering flows in just a few steps. When building Charcoal we have taken major steps to ensure every UI element is refined to provide a great experience to your users, taking in account things such as accessibility and customization.

At FINN, filtering is one of the key elements of our native apps and we believe we are not alone on this, this is why we have taken the time and effort to share our countless hours of iterations and redesigns to share with you what we believe is one of the best filtering experiences, say hi to Charcoal.

Why Charcoal?

Charcoal /ˈtʃɑːkəʊl/: a porous black solid, consisting of an amorphous form of carbon, obtained as a residue when wood, bone, or other organic matter is heated in the absence of air. Used among other things as an effective component of filtering.


  • Out-of-the-box implementations of various filters
  • Simple configuration and easy to use public API
  • All-in-one solution for handling of complex filtering flows
  • Beautiful design, UI animations and accessibility support
  • Haptic feedback




Charcoal is available through CocoaPods. To install the core module of the framework, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "Charcoal", git: ""

You will also need to include the FinniversKit dependency in your Podfile.

pod "FinniversKit", git: ""

For using FINN-specific configuration in addition to core functionality:

pod 'Charcoal/FINN', git: ""

Swift Package Manager


Add Charcoal to your project through Xcode by navigating to File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency and specify

Manual – Package.swift

Add this line to your Package.swift. We may not always update the version string below in this README, so make sure to check the list of available tags and select the newest one.

.package(name: "Charcoal", url: "", from: "10.0.0")

Don't forget to add Charcoal as a dependency to your intended target!


  1. Setup
import Charcoal

let charcoalConfiguration = CustomImplementationOfCharcoalConfiguration()
  1. Create filter container with a list of filters, for example:
let container = FilterContainer(
    rootFilters: [
        // Multi-level list filter
        Filter(title: "Area", key: "area", subfilters: [
            Filter(title: "Oslo", key: "area", value: "Oslo"),
            Filter(title: "Bergen", key: "area", value: "Bergen"),
        // Range slider with number inputs
            title: "Price",
            key: "price",
            lowValueKey: "price_from",
            highValueKey: "price_to",
            config: RangeFilterConfiguration(
                minimumValue: 1000,
                maximumValue: 100000,
                valueKind: .incremented(1000),
                hasLowerBoundOffset: false,
                hasUpperBoundOffset: true,
                unit: .currency(unit: "kr"),
                usesSmallNumberInputFont: false
        // Map filter
            title: "Map",
            key: "map",
            latitudeKey: "latitude",
            longitudeKey: "longitude",
            radiusKey: "radius",
            locationKey: "location"
    freeTextFilter: Filter.freeText(key: "query"),
    inlineFilter: Filter.inline(title: "", key: "inline", subfilters: inlineFilters),
    numberOfResults: 100
  1. Create CharcoalViewController, set optional delegates and data sources for handling selection changes, responding to user interactions with the map and free text search filters, etc.:
let viewController = CharcoalViewController()
viewController.mapDataSource = mapDataSource
viewController.searchLocationDataSource = searchLocationDataSource
viewController.freeTextFilterDataSource = freeTextFilterService
viewController.freeTextFilterDelegate = freeTextFilterService
viewController.selectionDelegate = self
viewController.textEditingDelegate = self
  1. Assign an instance of filter container to your view controller:
viewController.filterContainer = filterContainer
  1. If needed, pre-select some of the filters by using a set of URLQueryItem's, where name of the query item is the filter key and value is the selected filter value:
let selection = Set([
    URLQueryItem(name: "area", value: "Oslo"),
    URLQueryItem(name: "price_from", value: "10000")
viewController.set(selection: selection)


This project has a Gemfile that specify some development dependencies, one of those is pr_changelog which is a tool that helps you to generate changelogs from the Git history of the repo. You install this by running bundle install.

To get the changes that have not been released yet just run:

$ pr_changelog

If you want to see what changes were released in the last version, run:

$ pr_changelog --last-release

You can always run the command with the --help flag when needed.


Some of the UI elements in Charcoal are taken from FinniversKit, a framework which holds all the UI elements of the FINN iOS app.

Creating a new release


  • Install dependencies listed in Gemfile with bundle install (dependencies will be installed in ./bundler)
  • Fastlane will use the GitHub API, so make sure to create a personal access token here and place it within an environment variable called CHARCOAL_GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN.
    • When creating a token, you only need to give access to the scope repo.
    • There are multiple ways to make an environment variable, for example by using a .env file or adding it to .bashrc/.bash_profile). Don't forget to run source .env (for whichever file you set the environment variables in) if you don't want to restart your shell.
    • Run bundle exec fastlane verify_environment_variable to see if it is configured correctly.
  • Run bundle exec fastlane verify_ssh_to_github to see if ssh to GitHub is working.

Make release

  • Run bundle exec fastlane make_charcoal_version. Follow instructions, you will be asked for confirmation before all remote changes.
  • After the release has been created you can edit the description on GitHub by using the printed link.


Charcoal is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.