# file: example.py
def testable_func(arg_one, arg_two):
class AClass:
def __init__(self, some, constructor, params):
def testable_func_in_class(self, an_arg):
$ pytestgen example.py
# file: test_example.py
import pytest
import example
# TODO: fill in test data for test_testable_func
# pytest.param(, , id="")
def test_testable_func(arg_one, arg_two, expected):
# TODO: create assertions for test_testable_func
# example.testable_func(arg_one, arg_two)
# TODO: fill in test data for test_aclass_testable_func_in_class
# pytest.param(example.AClass(some, constructor, params), , expected, id="")
def test_aclass_testable_func_in_class(instance, an_arg, expected):
# TODO: write test for test_aclass_testable_func_in_class
# TODO: create assertions for test_aclass_testable_func_in_class
# instance.testable_func_in_class(an_arg)
$ pip install pytestgen
# generate tests for directory 'my_package' in 'tests/' directory
$ pytestgen my_package
# generate tests for some python files and directory 'the_package'
$ pytestgen my_module_a.py another_module.py the_package
# generate tests for directory 'cool_app' in 'cool_tests/' directory
$ pytestgen cool_app -o cool_tests
# generate tests for functions 'foo' and 'bar' in 'functionality.py'
$ pytestgen functionality.py -i foo -i bar
Usage: pytestgen [OPTIONS] PATH...
Generate pytest unit tests from your Python source code.
-o, --output-dir PATH The path to generate tests in. [default: tests]
-i, --include FUNC Function names to generate tests for. You can use
this multiple times.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.