This library provides fp-ts bindings for rxjs. It is meant as a light alternative to fp-ts-rxjs.
- fp-ts-rxjs is currently fixed to rxjs 6 due to #63 and doesn't seem to be getting any updates.
- I don't agree with some of the implementations and instances used in fp-ts-rxjs.
npm install @fgaudo/fp-ts-rxjs
- New functions will be incorporated as per my personal needs and requirements over time. If you specifically need one, just open an issue. :)
import * as RO from '@fgaudo/fp-ts-rxjs/ReaderObservable'
import * as R from 'fp-ts/Reader'
import * as Rx from 'rxjs'
import { pipe } from 'fp-ts/function'
Rx.of('Answer to everything:'),
RO.switchMap(text => R.asks(answer => Rx.of(`${text} ${answer}`)))