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Django Channels consumers, without the Pain 💊

django-channels-handers is an abstraction for Django Channels that makes it easy to implement elegant protocols without having to worry about the communication layer.


  • Django>=2.1
  • channels~=2.4
  • pydantic~=1.4


Install django-channels-handlers from pypi:

pip install django-channels-handlers

Create pydantic models for each message you intend to handle. This allows the handler to validate the message and parse it into an object.

from pydantic import BaseModel, UUID4
from typing import Dict, Optional
from datetime import datetime

class ChatMessage(BaseModel):
    type: str = "chat.message"
    id: UUID4
    thread: UUID4
    sender: UUID4
    content: str
    data: Optional[Dict] = {}
    created: datetime

Create a message handler.

This will first validate and parse a message that matches handled_types using the corresponding entry in models. It will then execute the method specified in handled_types, passing the newly parsed message object.

from channels_handlers.handlers import MessageHandler
# For async, import AsyncMessageHandler

class ChatHandler(MessageHandler):
    namespace = "chat"
    models = {
        "chat.message": ChatMessage,

    def message(self, message):
        # Some logic with message, e.g. save to database

Import ConsumerHandlerMixin and add it to your Django Channels consumer. Then, add your custom handler to the consumer's handler_classes.

from channels_handlers.consumers import ConsumerHandlerMixin
# For async, import AsyncConsumerHandlerMixin
from channels.generic.websocket import JsonWebsocketConsumer

class MyConsumer(ConsumerHandlerMixin, JsonWebsocketConsumer):
    handler_classes = [ChatHandler]


django-channels-handlers is compatible with Python 3.7+, Django 2.2+, and Django Channels 2.2+.


django-channels-handlers is licensed under the MIT License.




django-channels-handlers relies on the contributions of talented coders like you. See for more information.