I work at the intersection of social data science and journalism to tell stories with the help of data.
- 💻 Data analysis at The Examination
- 🚀 Computational linguistics enthusiast
- 📌 Always interested in collaborating on data-driven projects
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
Repository | Description |
discursos-milei | Scraper y análisis de discursos de Javier Milei |
ai4foia | Proof-of-concept to recommend recipients for FOIA requests |
hackathon-somos-nlp-2023 | Fine-tuning LLMs for detecting hate speech categories in Spanish |
customized-headlines | Proof-of-concept to create customized headlines from news content based on demographic data |
explained-recommendations | API for a system recommendation explained using generative AI |
opportunities-db | Scraper to extract data from opportunity-related websites (e.g. funds, scholarships, etc.) and convert them into structured data |
ner-spanish | A repository for extracting Named Entity Recognition (NER) in Spanish data |
pmdm | Fine-tuned pre-trained language model that detects hate speech against women in Spanish and Portuguese |
attackdetector | Research for hate speech on Twitter against journalists and environmental activists in Mexico and Brazil |
topicos-discursos-amlo | Analysis with topic modeling to AMLO's speeches |
bad-bunny | Analysis of Bad Bunny's songs |
Repository | Description |
travesticidios-argentina | Data analysis on court decisions on transvesticides in Argentina from 2018 to 2023 |
elecciones-argentina-2023 | Data analysis of attacks against journalists in Twitter during the elections in Argentina in 2023 |
recomendaciones-escritoras | Recommendation system for Latin American women writers |
cancilleria-colombia | Data analysis of public servants of Foreign Affairs in Colombia |
gptzero-ai-articles | Data analysis of articles talking about ChatGPT that were created with generative AI models |
capir-transfronteriza2-2023 | Data analysis and topic modeling of anti-rights groups from Brazil, Ecuador and Colombia |
migrantes-desaparecidos-eeu | Data analysis on missing migrants en route to the U.S. |
covid19-venezuela | Data analysis on covid-19 deaths in Venezuela |
violencia-obstetrica-cuba | Data analysis of obstetric violence in Cuba |
Repository | Description |
ping-pong-caba | Mapa con ubicaciones de mesas de ping pong en lugares públicos de CABA |
comision-revision-bolivia | Map showing the rate of femicides in Bolivia per 100,000 women from 2013 to 2020 |
escritoras-latinas | Web scraping of Wikipedia entries for Latin American women writers and network graph visualization |
wifi-gratuito-cdmx | Map showing locations of public free internet service in Mexico City [ARCHIVED] |
mapa-huertos | Map with locations of urban orchards in Mexico City [ARCHIVED] |
maps-examples | Maps examples using folium and prettymaps modules in Python [ARCHIVED] |
directorix-disidente | Digital directory of professions to build networks among the queer community of Mexico City [ARCHIVED] |
Repository | Description |
cij-argentina | Scraper to convert PDF files from the CIJ website in Argentina into structured data |
pdf-2-ner | Web application to convert scanned PDF files to text-based data and apply Named Entity Recognition (NER) to extract entities in Spanish |
Repository | Description |
pubmed-scraper | A python command-line tool which scrapes PubMed based on keywords search and URL extraction |
oportunidades-perioidstas-latam | Sitio web para difundir oportunidades para periodistas en Latinoamérica |
numerical-expressions | A python command-line tool which describes the change between two numerical values |
data-annotator | Web application for text-based data labeling [ARCHIVED] |
Repository | Description |
cookiecutter-data-analysis-extensive | A cookiecutter template for data analysis projects using Python |
cookiecutter-data-analysis-lite | A starter template for data analysis projects that offers a simplified and beginner-friendly structure |
cookiecutter-data-journalism | A cookiecutter template for data journalism projects using Python |
Repository | Description |
csvconf-nlp | Sesión de introducción a NLP en la csv,conf,v8 de Puebla, México en 2024 |
taller-cookiecutter | Taller sobre cómo crear plantillas de proyectos para análisis de datos |
taller-python | Jupyter notebooks for learning the basics of Python |
learn-python | Collection of Python scripts organized by topics |
learn-react-d3 | Examples for data visualization with React and D3.js |
learn-scrollama | Examples for scrollytelling with scrollama |
twitter-python | Examples for Twitter data collection with Tweepy in Python [ARCHIVED] |