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fenix31415 edited this page Oct 9, 2023 · 19 revisions

Each new feature in the mod allows you to change some parameters of the projectile. By changing these parameters, you can create many new types of projectiles. For example, the Homing feature allows not only to enable the homing of the projectile, but also to change its maximum rotation speed during homing. This means that you can create projectiles that slowly change their trajectory, as well as ultra-precise projectiles that always hit the target.

To do this, you need to create several instances of parameters for each feature and distribute them to the projectiles you need using the Triggers. Each feature is configured in a separate section where you can specify key-value pairs for each parameter instance.


In the "Triggers" section, you can specify the conditions under which the projectile released by the game should change its type, as well as which parameters instance to choose. To specify this, use the key from the settings of the corresponding feature. You can use many features at single projectile at once.

Available features:

  • Homing -- make projectile homing.
  • Multicast -- launch many projectiles at once.
  • Followers -- make projectile follow the caster
  • Emitters -- call some function every some period of time during the flight.


In the "HomingData" section, you can configure the parameters for the Homing feature.


In the "MulticastSpawnGroups" section, you can configure the Spawn Groups for the MulticastData.


In the "MulticastData" section, you can configure the parameters for the Multicast feature.


In the "EmittersData" section, you can configure the parameters for the Emitters feature.


In the "FollowersData" section, you can configure the parameters for the Follower feature.


You will often work with FormIDs when using this mod. To read about the format and how to simplify this work, refer to the "FormIDs" section.


  "FormIDs": { },

  "HomingData": { },

  "MulticastSpawnGroups": { },
  "MulticastData": { },

  "Triggers": [ ]
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