- Clone this repository
- Open the directory where you cloned
- Open your terminal (ctrl + l / cmd / code .)
- run the following commands
python -m venv .venv
if using linux
source venv/bin/activate
if using windows
- Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the file
python fake_api_workflow.py
This run will append 10000 rows to 'taxfix-challlenge.db' to change the number of rows to append or to replace the table. Please see the documentation in 'fake_api_workflow.py'
All operations are stored in the 'faker' directory
- ingestion
- transformation
- data request
The file 'fake_api_workflow.py' is our main application that connects all these operations. To see more details about how it works and the parameters please see the file's documentation.
You might want to change the number of rows that you want to request from the faker-api. To do this, all you have to do is change the value of the variable 'desired_number_of_rows' inside the file 'fake_api_workflow.py'. The default value is 10000
You will find more detailed explanation about each function or class in: docs/build/html/index.html
Make sure you have installed:
- docker
Open your terminal in the directory of this project
docker build -t tax .
Now you need to create/run the container with the image that we just built
docker run -it --name taxfix-challenge tax
docker container ls -a
Search for the image of your container and copy it's ID
After that, we need to retrieve data from the container volume To do that
sudo docker cp <your-container-id>:/taxfix-challenge.db /taxfix-challenge.db
If you are using Windows, you must open your powershell in admin mode
docker cp <your-container-id>:/taxfix-challenge.db /taxfix-challenge.db
This command is going to copy the .db file into your current directory