Would you like to leave an issue? We'd appreciate it if you could do this in the FDND Agency repo. This helps us keep everything in one place.
This project is focused on creating a dynamic, responsive, accessible and performant website for Dutch Digital Agencies. For now, we have decided to focus on the home page, the members overview page, and the vacancy overview page.
- Sveltekit 5 📙
- Directus 🐰
- Vite ⚡️
Follow these steps to clone and run the project locally. Make sure you have git, Node, and npm installed.
Clone this repository to your local machine using the following command in your terminal:
git clone https://github.com/fdnd-agency/voorhoede.git
Navigate to the project folder:
cd voorhoede
Install the required dependencies using npm:
npm install
Start the development server:
npm run dev
Click the link to view the website, and have fun coding.
- After tabbing through the menu, you start tabbing through the main content, but the menu remains open.
- On firefox, the main is not correctly aligned and overflows into the header.
We are currently not aware of any other bugs. If you encounter any, feel free to tell us about it in an issue!
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.