Communication between different programming languages through ROS
- catkin_make
- source devel/setup.zsh (or setup.bash)
- Start a ROS master : roscore
- Build custom service for MATLAB and start server : matlab_server.m
- Run the
Start with a base catkin workspace (
Creating package (
- cd src/
catkin_create_pkg demo_package std_msgs rospy
- cd ../demo_ros_python_matlab & catkin_make
Custom message or service description (
If existing standard formats ( are not applicable
- In src/demo_package, create msg/DemoMsg.msg and srv/DemoSrv.srv
- To build them with the ROS package (, edit CMakeLists.txt and package.xml and then catkin_make
- Python client (
- MATLAB server (
- To add custom message / service support in MATLAB see (