A python script for downloading best-of images from 'foto-webcam.eu'.
Foto-Webcam.eu produces some great high-res photos and the community is marking the best ones. However, manually downloading them was too tedious so I wrote this script.
I use it for downloading 'https://www.foto-webcam.eu/webcam/traunstein/' and using the images as desktop background.
$ python fotowebcam-dl.py -h
usage: fotowebcamdl.py [-h] [--path PATH] [webcam [webcam ...]]
Downloads bestof images from a fotowebcam.eu webcam
positional arguments:
webcam one or more webcam names
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--path PATH where to save the images, default is cwdir
You can blacklist photos simply by adding the filename to a <webcam>
.blacklist file (not all best-of photos are really the "best" ;)). Next time you invoke the downloader those images won't be downloaded again. All files will be prefixed with the <webcam>_
name. When blacklisting, omit the prefix.
> python fotowebcam-dl.py traunstein
> python fotowebcam-dl.py traunstein traunstein-sued