HashiCorp Vault API client for Python 2.7/3.x
Tested against the latest release, HEAD ref, and 3 previous major versions (counting back from the latest release) of Vault. Currently supports Vault v0.9.6 or later.
Documentation for this module is hosted on readthedocs.io.
pip install hvac
pip install "hvac[parser]"
if you would like to be able to return parsed HCL data as a Python dict for methods that support it.
import os
import hvac
# Using plaintext
client = hvac.Client()
client = hvac.Client(url='http://localhost:8200')
client = hvac.Client(url='http://localhost:8200', token=os.environ['VAULT_TOKEN'])
# Using TLS
client = hvac.Client(url='https://localhost:8200')
# Using TLS with client-side certificate authentication
client = hvac.Client(url='https://localhost:8200', cert=('path/to/cert.pem', 'path/to/key.pem'))
# Using Namespace
client = hvac.Client(url='http://localhost:8200', token=os.environ['VAULT_TOKEN'], namespace=os.environ['VAULT_NAMESPACE'])
client.write('secret/foo', baz='bar', lease='1h')
# Token
client.token = 'MY_TOKEN'
assert client.is_authenticated() # => True