♻️ Refactor type generation of selects re-order to prioritize models to optimize editor support. PR #718 by @tiangolo .
🔇 Do not raise deprecation warnings for execute as it's automatically used internally. PR #716 by @tiangolo .
✅ Move OpenAPI tests inline to simplify updating them with Pydantic v2. PR #709 by @tiangolo .
⬆️ Add support for Python 3.11 and Python 3.12. PR #710 by @tiangolo .
✏️ Fix typo, simplify single quote/apostrophe character in "Sister Margaret's" everywhere in the docs. PR #721 by @tiangolo .
📝 Update docs for Decimal, use proper types. PR #719 by @tiangolo .
📝 Add source examples for Python 3.9 and 3.10. PR #715 by @tiangolo .
🙈 Update gitignore, include all coverage files. PR #711 by @tiangolo .
🔧 Update config with new pymdown extensions. PR #712 by @tiangolo .
🔧 Update docs build setup, add support for sponsors, add sponsor GOVCERT.LU. PR #720 by @tiangolo .
⬆ [] pre-commit autoupdate. PR #697 by @pre-commit-ci[bot] .
🔧 Show line numbers in docs during local development. PR #714 by @tiangolo .
📝 Update details syntax with new pymdown extensions format. PR #713 by @tiangolo .
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