🔭 I’m currently studying at Masai School.
🌱 I’m currently learning Node Js, MongoDB and ExpressJS.
💬 Ask me about HTML, CSS, Javascript, React and Node Js.
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
📃 Checkout my Resume
🗄 Here's my Portfolio
🔭 I’m currently studying at Masai School.
🌱 I’m currently learning Node Js, MongoDB and ExpressJS.
💬 Ask me about HTML, CSS, Javascript, React and Node Js.
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
📃 Checkout my Resume
🗄 Here's my Portfolio
Forked from kaushalragini/pushy-dime-8312
A Full Stack web store that provides user-interface that enables customers to browse products, add filters to them, add them to their cart, and checkout seamlessly. It also includes admin panel whe…
JavaScript 1
An online clothing and beauty products store that will enables customers to browse and purchase clothing items. It also includes features like cart functionality and products filters.
An online electronic gadgets store that will allow customers to browse and purchase electronic items from the comfort of their homes. It includes features like products filters, cart functionality …