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Releases: facebookresearch/spdl


20 Mar 21:23
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  • You can now install SPDL with pip install spdl, and use CUDA and NVDEC.
    • The extension module has been split into core and CUDA. Now it's possible to use CUDA package in environments without CUDA.
    • The PyPI distributions for Linux x86_64 includes CUDA extension.
  • NVEDC support has been added to CUDA extension. See the doc for the detail.

New Features

  • Added to apply bit-stream filtering to packets (#522, #503)
  • Added function to fetch FFmpeg versions (#507)
  • Added NV12 to RGB color conversion functions (#528, #525, #526)
  • Added a new NvDecDecoder, which supports streaming decoding. (#517, #520, #531)
  • Added support to fetch codec from Packets and Demuxer. (#521)

BC-Breaking changes

  • Removed alpha channel from NVDEC decoding (#527)
  • The HOLD_GIL build option has been removed (#509, #511)
  • Renamed the build config query functions is_available to built_with (#514, #505)


  • Fixed the allocator function signature by @mthrok in #504
  • Fixed segfault when not built with CUDA by @mthrok in #513

Split code/binding/packages

Refactoring CUDA-related code

CI Improvement

Full Changelog: v2025.03.17.00...v0.0.10


05 Mar 23:10
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What's Changed

The FFmpeg7 integration has been fixed.

Full Changelog: v0.0.8...v0.0.9

Please checkout the Assets bellow to download CUDA binaries.

Release Assets

05 Mar 21:11
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Initial Commit

v0.0.8 - The first (yet experimental) release

28 Feb 04:41
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SPDL is now available on PyPI for the following platform and Python versions.
You can install it with pip install spdl.

  • Linux/macOS
  • Python 3.10, 3.11, 3.12 and 3.13

There is no binary distribution for 3.13t yet.

The IO module with CUDA support is not available on PyPI.
Instead you can download wheels compiled with CUDA 12.6 from the following Assets section.
You need to install nvidia-cuda-runtime-cu12 package.
(It's available in or
if you are installing PyTorch following from the official channel, it will be automatically installed.)

The spdl distribution is an empty meta package.
The actual functionalities are split into spdl_io and spdl_core packages.
They are independent each other and can be installed separately.

For the detail of package usage, please refer to the documentation.