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RocksDB Configurable Objects

mrambacher edited this page Nov 29, 2021 · 1 revision

RocksDB provides an infrastructure for initializing configurable objects from their string representation, as well as saving these objects as strings. The core functionality is provided via the OptionTypeInfo classes. The `Configurable class wraps this functionality into a base class and provides extended functionality for managing these objects.

For most Configurable classes, the development process is:

  • Make the class extend Configurable (or Customizable) as appropriate;
  • Create a static OptionTypeMap of the options that defines the names and properties to be configured for this object;
    block_based_table_type_info = {
// Define the option mapping here
#endif // ROCKSDB_LITE
  • Associate this map with the options struct in the constructor of the configurable class
    const BlockBasedTableOptions& _table_options)
    : table_options_(_table_options) {
  RegisterOptions(&table_options_, &block_based_table_type_info);

These steps open up the methods in the Configurable infrastructure to this class, allowing it to be configured from and saved to a string, including to the Options file.


The OptionTypeInfo class associates a field (via its offset), with how to configure that field. The OptionTypeInfo contains the offset of the field, as well as its type (e.g, kInt, kString, etc). The OptionTypeFlags provide additional information about how the infrastructure should treat this field.

A map of string-to-OptionTypeInfo (referred to as an OptionTypeMap) defines the rules for configuring a struct. Each entry in the map associates a name with its field and how the field is managed.

For the majority of use cases, there should be a static OptionTypeMap for each structure being configured. Using the OptionTypeMap, it is possible to implement ToString and Parse methods for a RocksDB struct (GetDBOptionsFromString, GetStringFromDBOptions, GetBlockBasedTableOptionsFromString, GetStringFromBlockBasedTableOptions, etc)

Advanced Option Features

The OptionTypeFlags provide additional instructions about the field. For example, if kDontSerialize is turned on, then the field will not be saved as a string.

Enumerated Types

The OptionTypeInfo supports generic enumerated types via the OptionTypeInfo::Enum constructor. Option enums take an argument that is the mapping between the string and enum values. This mapping controls how enums are represented as strings.

Option Structures

Some options have embedded structures within them. The OptionTypeInfo::Struct constructor handles them. This constructor takes an additional OptionTypeInfo mapping that is used to process the fields in the structure.


A vector of options can be created using the OptionTypeInfo::Vector API. This constructor takes an additional argument denoting the type of the vector elements. This additional argument is used for determining how to parse and serialize individual elements in the vector.


Some members of the InstanceOption struct may be pointers. To properly dereference pointers, they should use the proper OptionTypeFlag to indicate if it the member variable is a raw (Pointer* p), shared (std::shared<Pointer> p), or unique (std::unique<Pointer> p) pointer reference. Pointers are most typically used for Configurable and Customizable objects.

Customizable Objects

An InstanceOption may contain other Customizable objects (for example, an Env inside of a DBOptions). This type of OptionTypeInfo is typically created via the OptionTypeInfo::AsCustom methods. The AsCustom methods will use the Customizable infrastructure to create and manage embedded customizable options.

Lambda Function Pointers

An OptionTypeInfo can also be created specifying custom parse, serialize, and equality functions. When specified, these functions replace the default behavior for the given OptionType. These functions could be used, for example, to guarantee that an option is within a given range of values.

Configurable class

The Configurable class provides the basic framework for managing the configuration of objects. The Configurable class provides a standard interface for:

  • Configuring an object from a string (ConfigureFromMap, ConfigureFromString, ConfigureOption);
  • Saving an object’s configuration to a string (GetOptionString, GetOption, ToString);
  • Comparing to configured objects for equivalence (AreEquivalent);
  • Listing the configuration options for an object (GetOptionsNames);
  • Get the underlying options struct(s) for an object (GetOptions)
  • Initializing the object (PrepareOptions)
  • Validating the configured objects (ValidateOptions)

These operations are typically provided by the Configurable class by inheriting from the class and registering the associated options with the infrastructure. To register an object with the Configurable infrastructure, an OptionTypeInfo map and associated options object must be registered. This registration is done in the constructor:

static std::unordered_map<std::string, OptionTypeInfo>
    block_based_table_type_info = { /* Register all the Options */};
    const BlockBasedTableOptions& _table_options)
    : table_options_(_table_options) {
  RegisterOptions(&table_options_, &block_based_table_type_info);

Most Configurable classes use a struct (e.g, PlainTableOptions, BlockBasedTableOptions) to store their configuration data. An instance of this struct is a member of the Configurable class and contains the configuration data for that instance. These structs should typically define a "static const char *kName()" method that defines their name/class with this configurable object (e.g. BlockBasedTableOptions). Structs that are registered via their kName can be retrieved via GetOptions (with type checking):

struct BlockBasedTableOptions {
  static const char* kName() { return "BlockTableOptions"; };
  // The Table Properties
const auto new_bbto = options.table_factory->GetOptions<BlockBasedTableOptions>();

Some objects may have multiple configuration objects, which can all be registered via calling RegisterOptions with the different option structs and maps. When options are evaluated, they will be evaluated in the order in which they were registered. This functionality can be used to guarantee that some options are evaluated first to guarantee certain values are evaluated first (for example, to allow "Test" options to be set before other options or to make sure certain values -- like env -- are set before others that may require that setting).

Advanced Configurable Methods

The Configurable class also provides methods to initialize (PrepareOptions) and validate (ValidateOptions). Classes should override these methods if they have any custom initialization or validation logic. By default, these methods will initialize and validate, respectively any options that are themselves Configurable or Customizable.

PrepareOptions is used to complete any initialization of an object. For example, the PrepareOptions for Cache may set up the shards. Once an object has successfully been prepared, it is considered immutable and only options that are marked as kMutable can be changed via the configuration methods.

The ValidateOptions method is used to check that the settings for the current object are valid for this configuration. Classes should override this method to apply any custom logic they may have.


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