Fable is an F# to JavaScript compiler powered by Babel, designed to make F# a first-class citizen of the JavaScript ecosystem. Check the website for more information and if you find the project useful, don't forget to give us a star!
Check this page.
Make sure the following requirements are installed in your system:
- dotnet SDK
- node.js with npm
Then run npm install
to install dependencies and npm run build
to start the build. Check build.fsx for other build targets. For example: npm run build compiler
After that, if you want to quickly try changes to Fable source, please check src/quicktest/QuickTest.fs
Many of you are making really useful contributions that you also need for your own projects, however a new release may take several days. If you need the latest features you can tell fable-compiler
to use a local build. For this, use the cli.path
option. For example when using the fable-loader
you can include the following in your webpack.config.js:
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.fs(x|proj)?$/,
use: {
loader: "fable-loader",
options: {
cli: {
// This should be the path to your local clone of Fable
path: "../Fable/src/Fable.Cli"
ATTENTION: Remember to build fable-library files beforehand. This can be done just by building the whole project (see "Building" above) or running the FableLibrary
FAKE target (after this, if you edit one of the src/js/fable-library JS or TS files, you can run the FableLibraryTypescriptOnly
which is faster).
Just by using Fable you're already contributing! You can help a lot the community by sharing examples and experiences in your personal blog and sending a PR to fable-awesome.
Send bug reports (ideally with minimal code to reproduce the problem) and feature requests to the GitHub repository. To interact with the community you can use the Gitter chat but please note maintainers are not checking the chat regularly.
If you are up to contribute a fix or a feature yourself, you're more than welcome! Please send first an issue or a minimal Work In Progess PR so we can discuss the implementation details in advance.